"I did't know it was so fun to hurt people; You have no idea... you have no idea how much pent up rage I have"Fujikura Uruka
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  • :pochiidontlikeit: why you following me now of all times
    • Haha
    Reactions: Scoots
    cause I just found out how following works
    So I'm following most of the Vtubers on the forum cause you guys all have interesting things to say
    The Rratarded Alt
    The Rratarded Alt
    Scoots out here exposing all the site's VTubers
    Simp. We have our vtubers at home in murray and proctor. Why dont you follow them? Perhaps because they have a PENIS? :youlittleshit:
    • Haha
    Reactions: Scoots
    time today brought to you by... An inmate I stupidly forgot to note down lmk and I'll give proper credit for giving me clip material when I failed to restock in time

    The first of their two clips I have uploaded for today and tomorrow is Airi getting more than she bargained for when she plays Padoru

    Looks like that's one I uploaded. I've got 720p versions if you want them. I normally post lower resolution so they play better for people on slow connections or mobile.

    Padoru 720p
    View attachment 36416

    Song news 720p
    View attachment 36417
    electronic elephant
    electronic elephant
    Here's the archive of the one I got the two clips from:

    They're both from around ~1:05:00.

    There's also the 6+ hour one that unfortunately got cut off because of youtube handling of 6 hour livestreams on the backend.
    • Informative
    Reactions: Scoots
    Here's a full archive of the one that got cut off
    You've been blessed by a Yandere Airi. Save this gif five times and she won't come to haunt you tonight.

    • Feels
    Reactions: Scoots

    What about nowwwww. It doesn't let me. :cry:
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