"I'm gonna treat you like my homework; I'm gonna throw you over my desk and do you all night long"Aia Amare
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    for further inquiries, I will change my name next month, ty all for the warm welcome
    Goddammit! First that Kuri Ringe guy comes here after I call him out now you too??? Is nothing sacred anymore? Must we live with twitter fags jumping ship here?
    I... think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry, bud. You shouldn't kill yourself.

    I used to think that your posts were pretty funny honestly, for being a shitty clone of vt_takes. It's been a lot less funny recently but I feel that might just be because vtuber stuff has all been kinda dour lately and schizoposting is the only fun a large amount of people get out of vtubers anyway nowadays. Poor /pcg/ has been destroyed by their ilk, just like /hlgg/ or almost any other general on the board.

    I'm willing to accept you here. Just please, do not schizopost. I trust you're not that stupid.
    It's alright , we all have different views and I always vouch on keeping things civil despite differences, the "less funny recently" part I can relate with, it has indeed become unfunny and I'm juggling a lot on what to put out, some are good but most aren't and I'm sorry for that, moreover I've been burned out lately and frustrated about it too.

    about the vt_takes clone, I can't say he was THE original in the first place just that the page didn't reach twitter because it was on Facebook at the time, way older.

    I won't schizopost, I'm not that kind of person so don't worry about it, I'm WAY different than what people believe:shiinastare:
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