"Accelerationists furiously masturbating everyday"Kirschey

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  1. ioㅤ

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Oh we ranking favourite colours now? I like orange and purple, not a big fan of green and yellow, blue is fine similar to red and pink for me in being just fine to sometimes looking real nice.
  2. ioㅤ

    TVA Minecraft Server

    In 2 hours and 1 minute And only 3 deaths (all lag based i assure you) I have completed this server.
  3. ioㅤ

    TVA Minecraft Server

    Possibly, Would depend on how they play around with mods mostly with geyser. Personally I'm not a huge fan of bundles, needing rabbit leather means often they are just a non factor, they don't really give you more slots plus they were pretty glitchy last time i messed around with them but that...
  4. ioㅤ

    TVA Minecraft Server

    I think its ten blocks from your lowest build point
  5. ioㅤ

    TVA Minecraft Server

    You'd think so and you're kinda right but only when we update to the newest version. Witch farms suck balls at the moment and just give worse rates then stacking raid farms. In 1.21 witches go from like a chance for 0-5 redstone drops to always giving 4-11 redstone and raid farms are getting...
  6. ioㅤ

    TVA Minecraft Server

    :pikafaku: I feel called out. I'd be down. Just be aware that I will be focusing on rushing progression and making the essential farms for a bit and won't be of any use to the base during that time.
  7. ioㅤ

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    As the person that did the original moth twitter digging I probably have the best grasp of moths degeneracy, the more messed up things typically don't end up being retweeted. The vast majority of his coom material is just fat tits, bug girls or whores and the combination of those three. You've...
  8. ioㅤ

    The Unofficial Asylum Trading Card Game

    Last Card Update and Tournament details I wont waste anytime and get right into it. @midori I've already talked about this card in the last update post so instead I will thank and give credit to @somethingfarworseinthehorizon for providing the art for not only this card but all the card art...
  9. ioㅤ

    The Unofficial Asylum Trading Card Game

    Ahh okay I know what happened with Watamate I was using his old name before changing it and must of forgotten to change it in the text box. No clue how I messed up the giant rats text box i'll fix it before i post any updates.
  10. ioㅤ

    The Unofficial Asylum Trading Card Game

    You are correct I'll have that fixed by the time I get the final art. Thanks i was really struggling for awhile for what to put there as i knew genning something fitting was going to be neigh impossible. I am glad with how Fade to Irrelevance turned out. For the cards that miss reference...
  11. ioㅤ

    The Unofficial Asylum Trading Card Game

    The Final* Update And Announcement of The First Asylum Tournament Well its been way to fucking long and large amounts of autistic detailing i have done but its here and Complete* So without further ado I will present all the new cards, share a link to the full set and reveal some details about...
  12. ioㅤ

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Resident schizo @Harrow Prime and dumb Sheep @DeniaL_ei are playing the funny incest cannibalism game. Expect concentrated levels of cringe. She made proctors femboy model, draw from that what you will.
  13. ioㅤ

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Now I wasn't there for this event so I might be a incorrect on some details. Hexa "I can't keep a secret to save my life"Vt was in a VC on her server spilling spaghetti and whatnot. This VC was not private in anyway. Cubanoman makes a transcript on the groomcord detailing what Hexa said, Hexa...
  14. ioㅤ

    Nijisanji L Collection

    The list of things that did get finished on that server is very small. I think harrows temple and takodachis builds may be the only complete things on the server.
  15. ioㅤ

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    I need them then :smugrys:
  16. ioㅤ

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Their best
  17. ioㅤ

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Shes so damn energetic, this is great.
  18. ioㅤ

    Vidya Games Thread

    This got way more autistic then i'd like so brace yourself for a bit of a text wall. Alright I'm both going to explain what Balatro is, how to play it and give a mini review because this game is like crack cocaine for right type of person. Balatro is a card based deck construction rouge-like...
  19. ioㅤ

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    New and updated ranking list. This reminded me you never did tell us how you come to find and join this place. So jambalaya, how did you come to join the virtual asylum?
  20. ioㅤ

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    If only there was some way to "prove" that. https://www.idrlabs.com/brain-chemistry/test.php The resident spreadsheet autist has already recorded the results of the spergs on the discord. You would rank near the bottom congrats you are more of a man then the other resident spic on this list.
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