"I'm looking to be adopted by a different group would anyone like to accept me? Lazulight? Lazulight? I can sing diamond city lights?"Petra Gurin

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  1. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    small correction, the original artist is fine with whoring out. making 18+ content using the model is permitted. Not like america is the only one doing cam girl activity, japan is deep in it as well. Booth artist would go out of business forbidding it. Now if you start selling...
  2. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'm putting an X on this one, I highly doubt gamersupp contacted the artist, they shout him out on twitter and that's it. If the artist was truly getting a cut from the merch, he'd have shilled it on his twitter. I know I would. :kroniiphone: Heck, Yuniiho just re-alived herself to shill...
  3. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    maybe a filian megathread? Or this is a nothing burger enough? But anyway, while the store page didn't feature a ToS before 2023 and the change was retroactive. The ToS was actually included when you download the model data and were kept in the readme files. So at best "there is a ToS I just...
  4. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Some interesting development. People scoured booth and found another model Filian recolored for her uses by an artist named Amato Usagi. How many of you wanna bet this girl also has no idea filian is using her model. You know the saying "Once is a coincidence. Twice is a pattern." and the term...
  5. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That's one of her sticks, being a cat thief master spy. Based off of those bond movies. She "kinda" did it in her 3D debut also. While it's unenforceable and technically not illegal It's highly IMMORAL/slimy to make & sell shit based off other people's creation without them knowing. Sure...
  6. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    ID has been extremely busy since last year. I wonder how she even finds brainworm time to doompost on twitter about quitting And this mofo was even taking art commissions as her PL. :whatastory: Heck another one opened a freaking cafe.
  7. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Or you know, some salt. What is girl on about hard boiled egg yolk is fire. It's the egg white that doesn't taste like anything. What do you mean by wasting her money. If she joins she gets a free model like :unauthorizedmemes: . Maybe that is why she was holding out and never commissioned a...
  8. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    1. Those aren't vtubers, those are PNG tubers. If you count them as vtuber you gonna have to count swaggersoul, sykkuno, dream, corpse's husband, LIRIK as vtubers. At least I clicked on your video and none of them were using a vtubing model, most of them don't even have a png representing...
  9. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Onani can be inferred as self-complacency/self-satisfaction. Is there a better word for it? Yes. Jiko manzoku is the proper term for it. Is it on purpose that he wasn't using the better wording? Maybe not. Japanese in general doesn't like long sounding words and often try to use...
  10. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    On the other hand, ID have much better concentration but might be lacking in people buying digitally. End of the day hololive is a business that want profit and they view sololive as "must gain big profit" since they comes with extra cost like hiring the stadium, staffs, etc. They started...
  11. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If you have anyway to track oversea sales please kindly provide them. There is a chance management from Jap doesn't even know what streaming is and went "ah you earned 2$ on spotify this mean it sold badly right?" :smugina: not knowing that 2$ equalled to 1 million streams, or whatever spotify...
  12. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If I have to take a stab at it, they are given based on album sales. Below is album sale uptil March 13th Source for data Note: - You can see the cut off at getting a sololive is SorAZ recently getting one on January this year. Literally everyone from 1-12 was given a SPWN concert, I dont...
  13. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    allegedly this femboy uses a child model and then make his kid model goes shirtless as an avatar? Sure people make sexual content but they don't use a shota/loli model doing it IN DRAWINGS. On top of making a "rule34" video I think the ban is pretty justified, fuck around with a kid model on...
  14. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    we will literally talk about nothing as long as it's not VSPO EN To be fair you can e-date in CS, there are plenty of racist and sexist male content creator in CSGO on youtube. My favorite is that misfit group. One girl fucked the entire group so hard they went off the internet for 1 year. And...
  15. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hey at least she looks like her ex-husband now
  16. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Honestly this ... actually seems very logical and isn't that bad. It's just using potentially R2 for the jump key and arrows key for navigation? 3 fingers to control the arrow keys > 1 thumb for some people. For 2D platformers Arrow Keys vs Controller is basically just whatever the person are...
  17. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Aren't you forgetting twitch #1 most watched vtubers admiralbahroo? Dude has 131 millions watch hours. 9k ccv everday. And showed up on every steamchart's most watched list weekly/monthly what a monster :smugmoona:
  18. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    officially not yet, no announcement about whether it is coming or not Fubuki was being vague about it here But last year (edit: 2nd) teaser came on 29th of June, and full PV/schedule came out July 1st. I think it's fully dead due to the planned "World (minus europe) tour" and Breaking...
  19. frz

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hmmh: - New marketting director now that A-chan is gone - The company underestimated the amount of work post-COVID, on top of building a new studio/moving offfice, Hololive was underprepared and overworked itself in 2022- 2023, leading to hiring more people, yet still not meet project demands...
  20. frz

    Nijisanji L Collection

    werent Niji selling merch of a talents that hasn't streamed for 5 years
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