"Germany is starting to coalesce in my mind with the UK, like the UK isn't even a real place anymore, it's like a far away distant dystopia; All the people with the funny bad teeth are on another island; The fucking mayor of Cologne is literally like 'well, if you don't want to get raped, then don't leave your house!' are you serious?"Kirschey

Search results

  1. Panko Enjoyer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hello everyone, Merry Christmas from your resident Italian and ringodachi! Not only is this Christmas but this is my 500th post on the forum. I would like to celebrate this blessed day by giving you all a present. But that's not all. Remember the 3rd day of the @Nenélove Advent Calendar...
  2. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Imagine getting bullied by kids in thirty years for not having a robot wife.
  3. Panko Enjoyer

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    Why are you Shioris like this?
  4. Panko Enjoyer

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    "insert image" and then "by url" so it embeds.
  5. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Don't worry, it's not a dox. Well, not really.
  6. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Significantly more autistic
  7. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Don't worry, I have a present for everyone planned for tomorrow :BijouBijou:
  8. Panko Enjoyer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Only Italian? Negro what? Even the flips and spics are more aware.
  9. Panko Enjoyer

    Vidya Games Thread

  10. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    The one positive of the shitty state of the gaming industry is that I'm finally starting to make a dent in my colossal backlog of steam games.
  11. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Yeah, Carpathian is more of an "epilogue" mission than a "finale" mission, as 47 has already won by getting stuck on a train with Edwards at this point. I was excited for James Bond because a "spy" theme would naturally overlap very well with an assassination game. I doubt there would be much...
  12. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Absolution wasn't entirely Square's fault, as Square wasn't at fault for dumb shit like there being a "power bar" for disguises and then that never refilling on higher difficulties. The writing was also exceptionally cringe and felt like it belonged in an early 2000s game and not in a good way...
  13. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Fuck, I just had a sinking feeling it was going to suck and now you reminded me that we're going to get Absolution 2. They're going to throw out the 7 years of experience with sandbox assassination/puzzle games and focus on the story shit. I was already growing concerned with the story-focused...
  14. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    The ioi James Bond game is going to suck :depressedtako:
  15. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    TES6 is going to suck horribly and you're still going to buy it and hate it anyways. This is your future.
  16. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    The Cabal of "Mass Reply to half the forum" is not currently accepting applicants
  17. Panko Enjoyer

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Rin will never love you. Nor will any british person.
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