"Nooooo I can't help because Iiiiii stupid"Sakamata Chloe

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  1. Bingeamint

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Well well well, looks like I wasn't the only one that was magically gone for a while. Can't it believe it been 7 years for A-chan, truly one of the best assistants one could ever ask for. Where ever she goes next she has the work history to back it up. "I was the main manager for hololive top that"
  2. Bingeamint

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I sort of gathered that now, there was always something happening every couple of days and it been... quite some time! Wasn't it always just a little gay, no homo and all that now. You guys were always a pleasure to have bants and chat with now. Funny enough, that is part of what made me come...
  3. Bingeamint

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You guys are all still here!!! It feels like it been ages (it been fucking years actually), no I'm not dead. Adult life got in the way and a werid part of a my brain wondered if you guys were all still about. How have we all been? Have i missed out on autism on the highest levels and I wasn't...
  4. Bingeamint

    Yeah being an adult sucks all I'm gonna say. I will admit I've been very out of the game, but i...

    Yeah being an adult sucks all I'm gonna say. I will admit I've been very out of the game, but i do attempt to keep up with the latest news and pop in once in a bluemoon now.
  5. Bingeamint

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Dam, what a blast from the past. I havent been around for literally years now and he is still talked about even to this day, he really is the most stubbon retard I know.
  6. Bingeamint

    I'll take that, it took far too much effort to make, but it adds to the charm. 50% voucher off...

    I'll take that, it took far too much effort to make, but it adds to the charm. 50% voucher off my next mint delivery for you then!
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