"Hey kaigainiki: you remember OPPAI NO PERA PERA SAUCE!?"Tokoyami Towa (She's quoting RE4 'Os voy a romper a pedazos')

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  1. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This was a flashbang I was not expecting to scroll past today.
  2. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The obvious choice is silent hill. Her desire to bitch endlessly in bad situations wouldn't attract a horde of zombies because you called her an angry chihuahua 4 months go on stream and she remembers your name.
  3. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ty for uploading so fast, I had life get in the way and i missed a good chunk of it and she privated it asap right after it ended so i couldn't finish the DL in time.
  4. angry sushi

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    the orgasm she dreamed of having from her perfect himbo couldn't match her euphoric state she's in
  5. angry sushi

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    I hope he finds joy in being destiny levels of cuckery.
  6. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Irish man your woman is about to start riding anything and everything that fits inside her, you better immigrate quickly or else.
  7. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    how is PCG numbers doing overall for all the girls? Is there any collective aggregate out there that isn't paywalled that can list it?
  8. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Sleepy sharing a real moment on her feelings about GFE and chat. You can't fix her bros and will be disappointed when the mask slips if you get that 0.000000000001% chance of dating your favorite streamer. Don't worry sleepy, I can disappoint you in under 30 seconds too, it goes both ways.
  9. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    where torrent
  10. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

  11. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Yea, you gotta give it time to kick in
  12. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Pippa just needs another yabai moment and he'll get his funds off her stream alone
  13. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    When it comes to the concerts its the ultimate attack on your wallet from Yagoo.
  14. angry sushi

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    The poors will appreciate it by removing their adblockers on your youtube vods.
  15. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    So you're telling me there's a chance? All anyone has to do is say hi and keep their shirt on? How often does she pick fights with Tenma?
  16. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    thank you mana-san for the update
  17. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Just go to mexico and walk across, its safer
  18. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Depends if you can beat him in a 1v1 on conquering all the fluffy tails. Start with stealing kirsche and see why the irish are so angry. Showing her some more love on her bday subathon.
  19. angry sushi

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    He's the face of our crusade!
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