"Good night, husbands of the world!"Momosuzu Nene

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  1. B

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Honestly it seems more straightforward with this gen at least. Looks like management went full send on being absolutely useless this time. I got the impression that they had been dickheads to a few of the girls behind the scenes (Akiko got it especially bad AFAIK) but I seriously doubt they've...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Didn't Furi have VReverie in her display name at some point? Might be nothing, but would really funny to see the whole gen walk out barely 3 months in
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    I've gotta say, if nothing else I'm impressed at the management's ability to find new and innovative ways to disappoint and fail their talents.
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Had management handled Kudoboards in the past for their talents? I was always under the impression that mods had arranged those, but I could be wrong there. I don't know for certain so take this with a grain of salt, but I've heard that Scarlett was a facecam streamer/not a vtuber before...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    It's hard to imagine management incompetent enough to scare away basically 2 entire gens is capable of rebounding in any meaningful capacity. Sucks to see five more people get caught up in it in any case. At this point, the best case scenario is vRev pulling a PRISM and letting the girls keep...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    got it in 1 lmao Other Gen3 PLs might be harder to track down, at least one of them was a facecam streamer first (I forget if it's Estella or Scarlett) and the others were indies of a similar size. Furi's the only one who ran in similar circles as ex-VRev members AFAIK so finding a connection...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    It's gonna be fun in a few months to see the same drama play out for a third or fourth? time once Gen 3 starts on their way out. Fairly certain Furi is another who had her own design that VRev is likely gonna keep.
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Yeah unless management starts feeling generous between Salmon's announcement and her graduation (lol, lmao even), she's not getting her IP back without giving them an unrealistic amount of money.
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    All but certain all of them were warned and disregarded said warnings. I haven't had much interest in checking out any of their streams, but from the little I've seen Furi seems to be the only one with any kind of sense for content creation, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the runaway...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    IIRC they're making 5 separate discords for Gen 3 this time. I think Furi has her own already but the other 4 are waiting until memberships are enabled on their channels. To the point of vagueposting/silence, I can all but guarantee it's just because of NDAs/other legal threats. My cope is...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Archive I expect to here similar stories from the other former talents soon, too.
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Non-zero chance these companies are just asking ChatGPT for concepts, honestly. Can't speak for V4Mirai but it sounds like the kind of shit vReverie would pull to feel more forward-thinking
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    While I hope they'll crash and burn like they deserve, the fact that they have a Gen 3 at all makes me feel like the only thing that'll bring them down is eventually (very slowly) running out of cash. I'm fairly certain most if not all of Gen 3 were warned well in advance, even before shit blew...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Well if they're willing to publicly try to pin shit on whatever talent they feel like spiting, I can only imagine what's going on behind the scenes. Plus yeah they seem to be pretty useless as far as actually doing anything FOR the talents. And as far as prevention goes, there's not much you can...
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Lasakat? I think said they were working on a proper PR response, so that'll be fun to laugh at once they put that out.
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Unless I was told the wrong server, Hetaro is fighting for his life in the feedback channel atm Eta: They 100% tried to blame Akiko and had to abort mission when they realized NO ONE was buying it. Too lazy for proper screenshots cuz I'm a phonelet atm
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    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Anyone here in the Gen 2 server? I'm hearing management is getting defensive in there but I'm not in the server to check/document, and I'm not doing all that during work. Eta: tl;dr seems to be "we told the talents we were posting the announcement today and we made them do all of the...
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