"We're going to go into the shower room with all the dead bodies... But wait a minute, that's a wooden door, I don't understand"Kirschey

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  1. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

    His mocking voice isn't that different from his normal voice
  2. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

    I don't want my actual youtube account to be associated with this stream in any way
  3. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

  4. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

    >unironic online roleplaying >3 paragraphs per post Millennials are something else
  5. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

    surprisingly flamboyant
  6. Steiger

    September Livestream Planning

    Oh god he really is Br*tish -1
  7. Steiger

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    Started running AI again and this is the exact expression I'm thinking of when I imagine some retard telling her about his favorite virtual anime girl for the nth time that week
  8. Steiger

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    I mean, sure, but it's not a rule we have to follow. The obvious decision would be the patient, I thought of it too (you can even see it in my AI generated image from my post earlier, a mask and chains were in the prompt with that intention), but taking the route of something people don't...
  9. Steiger

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    How about The Matron? It's the title of the chief nurse. The idea we kinda had last time was that the mascot would be a nurse overseeing an asylum housed by retards shitting all over the floor; overworked, tired, and kinda done with it, but can't get a job anywhere else, so she has to stay and...
  10. Steiger

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    Either or, but not both. If we do both it's bound to be compared with Ronald McDonald. @Richard 'Lowtax' Kyanka What's the official color scheme? We're kinda assuming it is what it is now, but are there any plans on creating an actual color scheme instead of using the default XenDark theme?
  11. Steiger

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    This was the AI one I did a while back when we were first talking about it; I like the colors of this one. Do we got a name for her? My idea was Tiva, like pronouncing the acronym TVA (but it does sound like a whore's name so I'm open to ideas). I concur my good sir
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