"We used to put people in zoos"Ceres Fauna

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  1. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    She's melting into a pile of goop as we speak HAH @God's Strongest Dragoon ACTUALLY DID IT YOU MADMAN
  2. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    "if you know anything about California, California is the worst" holy shit I love Dizzy now EDIT: She wants you to donate more, come on @God's Strongest Dragoon :smugpipi:
  3. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Dizzy starts speaking in uwus when she's drunk apparently?
  4. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    I had forgotten how weird it can be to watch a Man of Medan collab, since both perspectives can be so different its really easy to miss stuff. May wait for the clips on this one
  5. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    A cosplay of her v-tubing outfit and a nametag reading "Jenny," weirdly enough
  6. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I mean the alternative is actually talking about Overwatch/CSGO/Apex content. A fate worse than death.
  7. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'd bet there's a whole spectrum of weird brainworms that go along with being a chuuba that we've just scratched the surface of, and I don't think it's as simple as "girls who do this tend to become v-tubers." There's too many people from different walks of life getting into the hobby now...
  8. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Enya Ignis emphatically denies involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and any further inquiries should be made to her attorney Dokibird finds a way to burn thousands of dollars while "playing" Chained Together Fauna drools when she's sleeping
  9. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    For those who haven't seen Doki's new model. She's flatter than Suisei now. The Dokiboard memes will continue until morale improves Raora has Kaela's attention, Biboo is jealous 20+ minute highlight video of Mint's latest MGS: Twin Snakes stream.
  10. nuk-temleH


    the TF2 player-Vtuber fan pipeline is real
  11. nuk-temleH

    Vidya Games Thread

    ehhhhh... does it have the same gacha mechanics as Frontline? I'm usually pretty skeptical of Chinese developers tbh
  12. nuk-temleH


    Ehhhhhh.... I don't actually think a five year limit applies much at all. A lot of the current/past "top" creators have been making online content for a long time before ever making it big, and have managed to maintain a decent following even after their "peak". Just throwing the first normie...
  13. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Uruka is a sweet kid, very funny and musically talented, but holy fuck whenever she reveals the sheltered rich kid I cringe so damn hard. And then she's like "well I'm too old to like mcdonalds fries now" like girl you're a baby who isn't even out of college yet come the fuck on
  14. nuk-temleH

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    As far as American history goes, we're very close to being an exception in terms of rhetoric, but I'd argue that started to decline after Andrew Jackson's presidency and was snuffed out by the American Civil War. American Populists, for example, started out as a bunch of farmers trying to...
  15. nuk-temleH

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Doki has a 3d model of the tomato that she hasn't used yet
  16. nuk-temleH

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Fair, although I would point out that those examples are pre-modern, and still reinforce the idea of general conflict between urban/rural populations. Also, some of those "uncivilized rural" peoples were actually independent states on par with their enemies, but the people who recorded their...
  17. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yeah because he is literally a piece of shit polished into a slightly less offensive piece of shit over time, almost entirely by other people's influence over his life. It is literally the story of an awful person's attempts to change their life, played straight to make you think about the...
  18. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ah, but what about the Edgar Rice Burroughs books where there's another world in the center of the earth, filled with cavemen and dinosaurs? Ooh, or A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court? This shit goes all the way down. :smugmoona: EDIT: Fuck, this might actually be the original one...
  19. nuk-temleH

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Pulling this to the red-headed stepchild of the general threads because it is VERY off-topic. The "civilized urbanite vs uncivilized redneck" concept is 100% universal, as far as I am aware, and has been one of the most consistent sources of conflict in the modern era. I'm not as familiar with...
  20. nuk-temleH

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It made them more formulaic, sure (along with the rise in syosetu and other webnovel sites), but the ideas were around for a LONG time beforehand. MÄR and Zero no Tsukaima came out like a decade before Mushoku did, and those are way more trite/tropey (and popular, honestly) than Mushoku. Hell...
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