"this is the pattern of behavior which i call 'wife-baiting' - in which i post things that make people want me as their wife"Juniper Heartstrings

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  1. Coffee Filter

    Nijisanji L Collection

    It has been since what, February since we last heard from Kotoka? Her membership VODs got deleted, as well as not being in merch lineups. I wonder when her graduation/termination announcement will be
  2. Coffee Filter

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Gives me CLAMP OC vibes and not in the good way.
  3. Coffee Filter

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Niji not allowing people to tweet gifs/images is really shitty of them. GIFS and images are liquid gold to get things viral. EDIT I checked and tickets are 6000 Yen. Hololive's 2024 Super Expo was 7650 for a day, and for that price I feel like you get a waaaaaaay better experience.
  4. Coffee Filter

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Meanwhile Kurosanji is experiencing a train wreck, plane crash, and rapture all at the same time with EN merch dropping all at once. Like, why did Riku think this was a good idea??? (Also apologies am on mobile right now so formating might suck ass) EDIT: Also with Kotoka being in 3/4 of...
  5. Coffee Filter

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Jesus Christ is Anycolor wanting to speedrun any% worst corpo? Riku's yachts are sinking deeper than the Titanic at this rate. off topic but does anyone know Victoria's PL? cuz I hope she abandons ship as she is the last of EN I legit care about
  6. Coffee Filter

    Termination of Yozora Mel

    Jesus fuck this was the last thing I expected. Did her roommate post any inklings or anything?
  7. Coffee Filter

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    This is like a train wreck, plane crash and nuclear explosion happening all at once. They literally are just digging themselves a bigger hole, aren't they?
  8. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    There is a fire in Spokane, WA (The Gray Fire), which began Friday 15 miles west of Spokane, WA 10,000 acres and is only 10% contained. Also British Columbia just north of the border is on fire as well.
  9. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Do we know yet if their YouTube accounts are going to get nuked or no? Edited for clarity carry on
  10. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Randon also retweeted/liked this. I kinda hope he gives a little insight behind the scenes as to what happened in the end, but honestly we may never know. At least we still have Vesper and Magni's roommates that we can still enjoy. I'll def miss Grandpire and Maglord, as I enjoyed watching em...
  11. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Tweet He hasn't said anything about Vesper yet. EDIT: Unless Nowaoji is Vesper? I don't recognize the nickname. EDIT: Nowaoji is a JP nickname for Vesper. Thank you to smb for the info.
  12. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    *inhale* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Edit: Do we know if their channels are staying up or are getting removed?
  13. Coffee Filter

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    I think the person I would feel bad for if they both graduated would be Pako-sensei. Like dude just needs a W honestly.
  14. Coffee Filter

    vHoeShow New Debut Containment Thread

    Holy sheeeeeet it Pika.
  15. Coffee Filter


    DeepL translation is also similar soooooo.
  16. Coffee Filter

    Apparently I bring Vshitshou news.

    Apparently I bring Vshitshou news.
  17. Coffee Filter


    Whelp Edit: I already posted this in the Silvervale/Veibae channel but I know this is just announced so. April takes no prisoners.
  18. Coffee Filter

    vShojo suffers first casualties, Silvervale and Vei go indie

    Whelp Edit: I cross-posted in the main thread. Sorry if that wasn't allowed as I know some people don't check sub threads. April takes no prisoners.
  19. Coffee Filter

    vShojo suffers first casualties, Silvervale and Vei go indie

    Silvervale and Vei not renewing their contracts with VShojo. Edit to add: Wonder why they decided to not renew? Y'know, with talent freedom and all.
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