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  1. Templeton

    Pipprojects 2024

    One person one pot stroganoff. Ingredients: 1 bay leaf 2 table spoons of cooking oil or butter 1/4 pound of beef, ground or strips or chunks 1/4 cup of onions, diced or cut to preference 4 ounces of button mushrooms, canned or fresh, chopped or whole 2 cups of egg noodles Sour cream Beef or...
  2. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Juniper Heartstrings is watching 80's commercials and getting just a little heated about what was lost. Quote the rag doll: "Two words: French Revolution"
  3. Templeton

    Pipprojects 2024

    Has anyone done stroganoff yet?
  4. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If @superduper gets a taste of blood it'll be the end of us. We'll need a team of spergs to stop the Rie rampage. It'll be like The Avengers but with rrats and simps.
  5. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Juniper Heartstring's anniversary stream is tomorrow. She's gonna be singing and stuff.
  6. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Crab rave in just over an hour!
  7. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Don't forget about the Coomalot shit or how Nick tried to insert himself with him to try to get in between her and one of the best things that happened to her, Phase Connect, or how one of her coworkers and friend Lumi lost her twitter account due to Coomalot. She is a woman so she will...
  8. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Captain Crabs is DJing a crab rave
  9. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    lmao Imagine thinking that the scripted characters in fap bait Nekopara actually care about you.
  10. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    How the hell is she still complaining about digital women not fawning over her every moment?
  11. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Only I know the secrets of unlocking Pippa's true potential and it's following this one WEIRD trick. SEO experts hate it!
  12. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Pippa doesn't understand that we enjoy complaining for the sake of complaining.
  13. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    And that's a stream! Good work everyone. See you in the morning.
  14. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Tenma is a Meat Canyon appreciator. Nice.
  15. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Clara's ideal Loki
  16. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Now Pippa will forever hold it over our heads if Aoi is actually a man or woman.
  17. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Don't let this stream distract you from the fact that Papakin told Mamakin that Pippa bought a fucking monkey!
  18. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I was just thinking, what happened with that puppet or doll vtuber Proctor promoted some time ago? Is she still around? I remember having some fun with her but I got distracted and lost track of her. I don't even remember her name to look her up.
  19. Templeton

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    I've been avoiding the Katawa streams because I want to go through at least one play through first and then go back and compare my game to hers. I did want to ask is she enjoying the game or just having fun with it? I imagine that she is enjoying it due to her playing it more than once.
  20. Templeton

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Husbands! Explain your Nene wife!
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