"I'm fine! I'm not fine! Fuck you!"Sakamata Chloe

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  1. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Summer's officially begun, time to update my playlist to my barbecue hits. Hope my neighbours like my music, they'll be hearing a lot of it.
  2. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Well shit, if we're posting GBC jams
  3. Schockwellenreiter


    That's a nice way of saying "obnoxious cunt" I mean, Ghost, obviously.
  4. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    I've got to be honest, I prefer their first two albums before they decided to get all ironic. They really should have left the tongue in cheek songs for the bonus tracks. I know they already addressed this criticism in one of their songs but the more of their new releases I hear the more I think...
  5. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Perhaps I ought to have said "Anything liquid DnB, plus Feint et al" (The Journey is definitely LDnB, tho) Golden Earring is top tier, for me it's Radar Love. Totally unrelated, I miss Sonic Syndicate (and Warsong Gulch) But their spirit lives on, and I only just found out yesterday that...
  6. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Reminds me of Machinae Supremacy And this one's an AMV just for fun
  7. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Anything liquid DnB with Feint, Veela, Laura Brehm, Ephixia or CoMa
  8. Schockwellenreiter

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Given he's Scottish he's probably called that because it's a bit of a light insult in the UK. Spanner, deriving from the phrase spanner in the works, is someone who is a bit dim, who fucks things up or someone who causes problems for others.
  9. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    Shadowrun: Dragonfall (Directors Cut) and Shadowrun: Hong Kong. Skip Returns, it's only okay but if you finish those two and want more you can also get Returns as a UGC import into Dragonfall for a better experience. Torment: Tides of Numenera Any Spiderweb software games. I've heard good...
  10. Schockwellenreiter

    The Music Thread

    Thought I'd post something different, my boss recommended this guy to me and he's good if you're into indie rap (Is that the right genre?) This guy is a bit like Pendulum crossed with Ken Ashcorp, if you liked early 00's DnB then you'll enjoy it. And for fun, why not help others discover...
  11. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    Lol, what a read. That guild infiltration and implosion was 10/10 I wish I'd had more time, I used to wander around as a Warlock and wave at lowbies being all friendly from a distance, meanwhile my invisible succubus was slowly inching toward them, ready to rock their shit. That'll teach them to...
  12. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    I miss Barrens general. I miss Southshore rage. I miss raiding enemy faction cities and camping in the Deeprun Tram. I miss getting lost on the way to the druid water travel form quest and accidentally running/drowning my way all the way down the western coast of EK and finding Newman's Landing...
  13. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    Have you got any recs for a fun Johto themed mod? I've played Crystal Clear and Refined Gold and enjoyed them both, any other less common recs you might have stumbled across?
  14. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    Yeah, I'm not going to be taking life advice from someone who's low IQ enough to be playing WOW retail in 2023.
  15. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    In that same sentence Metzen mentioned the last twenty years of WoW going into the next twenty years of WoW, they're not killing it any time soon unfortunately. Just play Ascension or Turtle WoW, god damn. Don't give Blizz your money. I can't even express how sick and tired I am of the...
  16. Schockwellenreiter

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    That's it? It's basically a doodle. It's practically monochromatic. I was expecting more from the amount of whining about it.
  17. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    I've got enough games on Steam and my EXHDD to last a man several lifetimes but instead of actually playing them I've been nostalgia tripping on Newgrounds flash games all morning. This evening I'm going to play Deus Ex or Warcraft III... again. At this point I don't know why I ever continued...
  18. Schockwellenreiter

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    And then you call someone a fag for acting like a fag and big mama Discord comes in and shuts down your entire group for hate speech and you have to start from scratch. Self owned and governed forums are much better for a multitude of reasons, not least of which is having a real actual human...
  19. Schockwellenreiter

    Vidya Games Thread

    It's not. It's cringe. Rockerboys should be telling you to pull the pills, the gun and then the dick out of your mouth and get out there and actually do something. A rockerboy would rightly call Kobain a fag for scragging himself. 2077 was a mistake. CP2020 supremacy.
  20. Schockwellenreiter

    September Livestream and call-in struggle session.

    Depending on how in depth you mean when you say vetting I'd suggest, if both you and the prospective call-in can find the time for it, a five or ten minute chat in the intervening time before the stream. Not just to screen them for mental stability (lol) but also to put you both a little more at...
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