"Pee pee is separate from the nuts"Hakos Baelz

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  1. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    What a mess! Edit: Edit 2: ???
  2. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    She's in this agencies discord as well, for extra proof. Also for people who aren't aware BriAtCookiebox is the ex-VRev talent Cheri Lupina, Rita is ex-PRISM and Ria appears to just be a random indie. Their website (https://www.noatalent.com/) is a bit of a mess, some of the talents they have...
  3. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If you'd check their YouTube you'd see they have this listed.
  4. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    SURPRISE, it's a Pippa x Tenma x Clara offcollab!
  5. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't think it's been pointed out yet but Tessa_vt (Nenkan Alice's manager) is the reincarnation of self described 'anti-work anarchist', HRT induced 'phantom period' having troon and career lolcow, CriticalReikan. You may remember them from the campaign to cancel Vei for her perceived...
  6. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'm sure some kind of 3D event is probably already in the works at Phase, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being the main event at OffKai this year. Lumi mentioned that Sakana was looking into bulk commissioning 3D models for everyone last year and Panko revealed she received a package with...
  7. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    For reference, this is the exact same document that she (Astarte) posted then deleted last year as she was graduating Amber Glow.
  8. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Microcorpo who saw some popularity in 2021/2022 with talents such as Terumi Koizumi, Nunki, Xiulan Long and Shura (now Remilia of Phase-Connect). Management was practically useless and offered next to nothing to the talents so over half the agency would go on to graduate fairly quickly or would...
  9. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    And to the surprise of no one...
  10. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    She hasn't streamed at all in nearly six months, and hasn't streamed consistently in well over a year. She decided quite a while ago that she'd focus almost entirely on school instead of vtubing, and then afterwards that focus shifted to her career. It's a shame considering how she was poised at...
  11. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Dizzy is live with... something.
  12. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Production kawaii has it's Gen 5 launching in a week, V&U is currently shitting out a new Gen every 2-3 months with it's next in 3 weeks, PixelLink should announce it's Gen 2 soon-ish.
  13. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Highly likely it's just a coincidental shitpost but this rrat has popped up a few times on /vt/ in the last week or so. A An actual Niji insider has signed off as -LK in the past, not that it adds any credibility here of course.
  14. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Stolen from, and all credits to /pcg/
  15. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect JP Gen 1 'KALEiDO' Speculation/Liveposting

    She sort of didn't. She gave up on streaming in Japanese after only a couple of months because of how much she struggled reading chat and was allowed to redebut as her companies only EN talent (amusingly, she couldn't understand her own contract either and had to get others to read it to her)...
  16. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect JP Gen 1 'KALEiDO' Speculation/Liveposting

    Damn, I called it. So happy to see her back again. She's a Japanophile whose goal is to emigrate to Japan. Effectively she's a reverse Tenma who is streaming in Japanese to hone her language skills. Be prepared for not just Factorio but also AoE2, another favorite she used to play with Lumi and...
  17. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Teasers for new outfits? New JP members? Or just random cutouts? Edit: Clock me, the Gen 3 thread was already over this along with one of the art pieces in the gacha also having a hint at more new members.
  18. MagicHammer

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    We've already been through all this and come out the other side already. Does no one here really remember what happened mid-late 2022 when Sakana REALLY pushed to clean up Phase's image? When he banned '4chan' lingo from chat/Discord and mods would explode you for using terms like 'kino' or...
  19. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    To add to this, she did say a few things at and prior to graduation that made it seem like she was coming back, saying that she loved vtubing too much to give it up, that she really wanted a group to bounce off (she was somewhat isolated in Star Ring) and even hinting that she may be going to a...
  20. MagicHammer

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Motioned by Star-Ring after she left, they said all her VoDs would be deleted by the end of October. Typical corpo stuff. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/te36uCfd8ieGfg/Beryl%20LeRou%20Archive Her archive if anyone ever needs/wants it.
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