"BLÅHAJ is more than just a shark to some people (all of them). BLÅHAJ is a way of life. BLÅHAJ is beloved by people of all walks of life. Young, old, Rin, British people, other people, Rin, my dad laughs at me but he doesn't count, Rin, the president (Rin), and BLÅHAJ love BLÅHAJ. In this way, it could be said that something that provides light and comfort for so many people across all of Society is a necessity, in the same way that food and transportation are. You wouldn't let Rin starve, would you?"Rin Penrose

Search results

  1. Nogglor

    Ikari Tenri / "Henry" / Henry M. Magalona

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm This is exactly what you'd say if you were dating her... It seems like ol' chase here has you dead to rights.
  2. Nogglor

    Ikari Tenri / "Henry" / Henry M. Magalona

    >Pippa dating her little sister Yuni Well that would explain her not-so-subtle incest fetish.
  3. Nogglor

    BBC Archive

    Trust me, you aren't missing much. Just a wasteland of pedos, schizophrenics, and unicorns. Easily one of the most miserable generals on /vt/.
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