"If your discord is down rn, you can notify me with telepathy or say nuts 3 times in front of a large mirror"Ayunda Risu

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  1. Kuri Rinji


  2. Kuri Rinji


    At that time, she outright admitted she spent 1k.
  3. Kuri Rinji


    This reminds me of the time when Tomoe Umari, the military horse girl vtuber also got the Gold Checkmark for a month. People questioned where she got the money to splurge on such a thing on an army salary and why she bothered to do that. Many suspicious things surround that girl.
  4. Kuri Rinji


    The most expensive rectangular avatar after Yacht Club NFT Apes.
  5. Kuri Rinji


    This attention-whoring is similar to when Fuwamoco debuted and VTubers who streamed in duos got butthurt about it claiming superiority with "We were here first!" arguments.
  6. Kuri Rinji

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    This is probably one of the most pathetic things I've seen someone admit to online. For context, this is a femboy that constantly stirs shit up only to delete posts when the heat gets too high—started shit with Kirsche before as well.
  7. Kuri Rinji


    Judging by the increasing number of Yuni posts, she really wants to utilize her love for owls for something productive. The Yuni model going over to Phase Connect would be a mistake, however, since she would have to sign off the rights to Fishman. That would be a huge hit to what she would be...
  8. Kuri Rinji


    First Meat Pippa, now Calcium Pippa.
  9. Kuri Rinji


    Considering how mad her tweets are about this, one can clearly tell this is an emotional knee-jerk reaction. She really wants her horse-girl game and will say anything to defend that position. I hope she understands that makes her a hypocrite based on her opinions about other things regarding...
  10. Kuri Rinji

    Nijisanji L Collection

    These people live in a different dimension.
  11. Kuri Rinji


    I hope Pippa talks about this in one of her streams. Pippa fighting with her chat makes for excellent content. The Poptart gun discussion was brilliant.
  12. Kuri Rinji

    Nijisanji L Collection

    When I'm over at AX, I'll ask a SPJA representative what exactly happened with the concert and if actual safety concerns were a part of it. But also, that's what you get for being Nijisanji EN fans. I encourage them to find another more interesting hobby like watching paint dry.
  13. Kuri Rinji

    Vidya Games Thread

    I don't play anything. The horse girls are cute.
  14. Kuri Rinji

    Vidya Games Thread

    Great day for the good kind of horsefuckers.
  15. Kuri Rinji

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    I wish this was a forum emoji.
  16. Kuri Rinji

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Maybe I should make a Mana Watch thread one of these days, because she's been going off quite spectacularly lately. Edit: There was more sperging.
  17. Kuri Rinji

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Let's not forget the misogyny angle, because making fun of someone who happens to be female is immediate woman-hating behavior.
  18. Kuri Rinji


    She used to sound so squeaky and girly. Now she's hardened and gruff.
  19. Kuri Rinji

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    It's OffKai orgy room guy from a year ago again.
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