"Hellooo guys! Hello hello, do you guys want to Go somewhere with meee? 'Go where Risu yeees' Go___bblin' deez nuts in your mouth HAW HAH HAW HAAAAW!"Ayunda Risu

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  1. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Uhhh, what? legalmindset collabs with idolcorp for contract revisions? confirmed?
  2. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    Curiously this was posted in not-riro's discord following this event's conclusion
  3. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    not fuyo and not juna did a stream together last month so them saying similar messages tracks, they are likely not a fan of what head jew is pulling. Poko on the other hand deleting her tweet is strange, but the tweet itself seemed like something she would say in this situation. I don't think...
  4. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    I suspect we will see some news soon enough as there may have been some meetings today. That said I do think idol girls usually have weekly meetings but given this event it likely could be related.
  5. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    menace/coni was active prior to any controversy, in fact she was likely the most active out of any of the idol girls prior to rirocaust why would the spouse (rrat) walkout after getting a model upgrade?
  6. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    From what I have observed she uses the Rye account when drunk tweeting or doesn't feel like streaming with mic on. As for Yuko's extended break happened initially post-riro termination iirc, and post brave announcement. I doubt the break was just for a personal journey of discovery, as she did...
  7. silentcouch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    I haven't caught up to this development at all, I know there was a rift that sparked upon riro's termination. It only makes sense for the girls to feel uneasy with their management giving the termination letter that riro received. I will perhaps edit this comment or reply a new once I catch up...
  8. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Quoting you since you mentioned the stream near the tail end, and I was writing this up for after it ended. Momo has finally been able to work up to stream after her long break due to surgery. She states that following her return from korea, that she has been infected multiple times and has...
  9. silentcouch

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    It seems like he had to get somebody to transcribe it to make it feel like he could report on it rather than watch himself? The video has been out in the wild since termination day, so releasing it now I suppose is due to her music video and recent announcement that she is coming back...
  10. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    As scoots said, she's back to streaming, has a month planned supposedly and her "other announcement" for the end of stream is a travel vlog video. She did elude to something else which cannot as a whole be announced yet (I suspect it is company/gen wide, perhaps in March?) I watched as I was...
  11. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I did enjoy the shift in pace that piano provided, and she performed it very well, however... her cover is about 50 seconds shy of the original... which seems a bit weird to me. It was wonderful but I would have preferred if she went the full length of the song with this. *To note, in comparison...
  12. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Here is her accounts post regarding this Archive of Tweet (Archive EN image)
  13. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It seems that their recent Oshi Live 3d mini concert they did is related to this "Brave Group", as this was on their website They seem to be a group expanding in other regions as well?
  14. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Be Selen Release a project you have worked on for over a year, excited to release it FINALLY Management in less than 24 hours decides to take down the video, killing all momentum and hype for the video because they somehow didn't follow their own procedures which took >>>OVER A YEAR Yeah...
  15. silentcouch

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    As of the last 12 hours, there has been a post both on Kyoresu discord/instagram that there is a discord stream happening on the 25th (2pm-4pm est?) for those who sign up to her accounts listed below https://boosty.to/kyoresu or https://www.patreon.com/kyOresu/membership Prior to this, on the...
  16. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    To add comment on the related Momo Otako Hiatus below these quotes. As stated within these responses , she has had a hard time, both with streaming activies via her PC issues, losing a pet. She also is burdened with the task of being within a large (korean) family whom has expectations of...
  17. silentcouch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If you would do it in the moment, and you had a good time, only upon reflection you feel bad... isn't that just having post nut clarity type of symptoms? Like, sure it might be a clippable moment that makes you look bad in some ways, but moments like that spawned multiple clips and as a creator...
  18. silentcouch

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    wouldn't that include some of her coworkers?:confusedshuba:
  19. silentcouch

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    The silence there is potentially a lock on her being able to use her account due to the minions image being flagged as violating x's rules. Depending on how severe they deem your infraction they will place appropriate "ban timers" on your account afaik.
  20. silentcouch

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    she was leaning into NNN, but obviously, things happened
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