"(takes long drink)... WOMEN"Ouro Kronii

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  1. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Too few people willing to entomologyfag, so we go for the low hanging fruit.
  2. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I for one am happy that Noel has found Jesus and choose to join a convent. Another soul saved by the true faith. Her outfit reveal also was a bit more creative than the usual JP fare:
  3. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    There is itself a streak of romanticism here. The romanticised ideal of the hard, down to earth, rural men fighting a glorious fight against urban degeneracy encroaching on them, trying to corrupt or annihilate them. This is a fantasy engaged in by cracked people online, not reality, and I can...
  4. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    It definitely dates to at the very least classical Greece, which had plays mocking the illiterate rural population, and where the Aetolian League (which had no major poleis and was derided for consisting entirely of rural hicks). Although the Aetolian League kept winning until it finally got...
  5. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Basically. Nyfco's down, but have Rrat's post instead. On one hand, I do tend to be skeptical of mere voice comparisons. On the other hand, we're not talking about a talent, but specifically A-chan. A sixteen year old talent is one thing. A sixteen year old tech support becoming project...
  6. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ollie is an emancipated corpse. You're thinking of an emaciated one. El Hazard, too. Anatolia Story. Magic Knight Rayearth. (Early isekai was utterly dominated by female protagonists, El Hazard being an almost shocking exception. This even holds true with the Wizard of Oz and Alice in...
  7. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Keep in mind that Sora/A-chan, highschool girls on a mission is quite possibly kayfabe. @The Rrat ranted about it in the past, and made valid points. But even accounting for that, A-chan was, of course, instrumental. From early tech support over saving Suisei's flatlining career and several...
  8. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hey, that Physics graduate from Sony's Vee Project that collabed with Raden: is currently collabing with Rocket Autist vtuber:
  9. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Coco didn't hit me terribly hard. I was never really into her content. Rushia didn't hit me terribly hard. I was never really into her content. Sana didn't hit me terribly hard. Funny pokemon autism aside, I hardly knew she existed. Mel didn't hit me terribly hard. I just never watched her...
  10. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Naval drones are just very slow, but very long ranged torpedoes. They're also, quite emphatically, used against ships at anchor. They're not going to deny a blue water force. I'd go so far as to say that they're the modern successors of the Italian frogmen that sank HMS Queen Elizabeth and...
  11. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It's basically sumo, but they added a ball to it. The ball is egg shaped because the Patriots took a stand against inflation fetish.
  12. Aquatic Novellite

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Pretty Austrian, a few slavs. But that aside, their biggest star (David Alaba; can't play due to injury) has a staggeringly thick Austrian accent. His skin color really doesn't matter, he's Austrian as fuck.
  13. Aquatic Novellite

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Austria actually beat the Netherlands, too. Which is kind of what the fuck. That France somehow ties against Poland also turns Austria into the group winner. Which is major wtf.
  14. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That's what she says now. Experience suggests that people start to look at things differently once they hit forty and realise they'll die alone with no one by their bedside.
  15. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Dams are actually really hard to blow up. They're not a weak point, they're a hardened target by virtue of having to be hard. Bluntly, Taiwan doesn't have anything that could meaningfully damage it. Anything short of a GBU 57 won't even penetrate the top (and whether a GBU 57 can depends on the...
  16. Aquatic Novellite

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Underestimating China is a perennial problem in the west. Nobody improves without making mistakes, pointing and laughing at these mistakes is incredibly shortsighted. People have been predicting China's collapse for over twenty years. Their housing market was expected to collapse as early as...
  17. Aquatic Novellite

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Speaking of dolls and green women, how many Rozen Maiden references can Cecilia cram into one stream desu?
  18. Aquatic Novellite

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    To be fair, that's only the second worst thing she has ever consumed.
  19. Aquatic Novellite

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Panko was so happy about another Italian, only for the other Italian to immediately commit crimes against Pizza.
  20. Aquatic Novellite

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    And with that attitude, you'll never be. Sad.
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