"Honestly Kirsche's fish blowjob audio legit got me hard irl. Sakana's tiny Californian balls must be churning with cum ready for that whore mouth"The Proctor

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  1. Ed O'neill

    The Music Thread

    There is a weird phenomenon that when CDs became a thing there were still discrepancies between US and UK releases of albums. Maybe due to rights, or due to the fact that when CDs were being pressed neither side cared to correct issues. Take for instance Fireball by Deep Purple. I would argue...
  2. Ed O'neill


    Xynchros clip was shit, and the fact of the matter is I know he has better ones so it just seems extra lame that his shitty clip is the winner
  3. Ed O'neill

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    You are what you eat - The Chinese (probably) (highly likely)
  4. Ed O'neill

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Even though I swear I researched the Cyberlive wiki it's like everyday I find out and discover a new former member who is either in drama or hiding in obscurity.
  5. Ed O'neill


    Is John Vtuber the Reticule to Hexa being Pippa Am I the Reticule to both Dizzy and Ember being Pippas ( :WHORE!!!:) Is Prostate the Reticule to anything with a tail Is Jambalaya the Reticule to Italian Pippas Is Topo Chico the Reticule to Pizza Pippas Is Thhrang the Reticule to Metokur...
  6. Ed O'neill


  7. Ed O'neill

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Oh shit yeah Negro, a Fatal Frame game
  8. Ed O'neill


    This is the GAYEST line of replies this CENTURY
  9. Ed O'neill


    What happens if I say no!?!??!?!?! :kroniidrinking: :kroniisubwayl: :polkasticks:
  10. Ed O'neill


    The problem with Boogie was that he was a gimmick vtuber, not too far from Fred or the Annoying Orange which dated his primary content. When you blow up like that its hard to adapt. Especially when he tried to lean into a good guy persona when he flatly is not so it felt fake
  11. Ed O'neill

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Isn't that bottom one Kiara?
  12. Ed O'neill

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Big Macs, twice as expensive with half the patty density as 5 years ago! What a deal!
  13. Ed O'neill


  14. Ed O'neill


    is this Paranoid Corgi, am I getting my Corgi's mixed up. You know all these outlandish tweets and stories from people I recognize make me feel like a fake fan. Don't tell Amiya but I understand the desire to rope now.
  15. Ed O'neill


    this comment was directed at me and somehow deleted
  16. Ed O'neill

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Ah the magic of filters even strikes Italians! She looks more black than Panko, finally a new Yamanba for Hololive. Been a long time coming :BijouBijou:
  17. Ed O'neill


    Obviously not, she reacts :BijouBijou:
  18. Ed O'neill


    Why is the Jew gonna meet Santa Claus in hell what am I reading right now
  19. Ed O'neill


    Why does Pippa appeal to Poles and Brazilians so
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