"What does 'impregnable' mean? Does it mean you can't get it pregnant? Oooooh!!! It means you can't get through it"IRyS

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  1. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Dumb scuff happened and Hakka/Shinri couldn't make it, so now Bettel and Twobert will be torpedoing their sibling relationship live. Edit:
  2. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Jurard's M&G tickets for AI Pheonix were all bagged in 10 minutes. According to people trying for them, it took a minute for his page to actually show up after 12PST, so this would be around the 9 minute mark? I wasn't actively monitoring his page this time.
  3. Zyklon Mag

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    What did I just see on /vt/ @Purrson
  4. Zyklon Mag

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I doubt he has money for cons that aren't super local to him. Him getting kicked out of IRL Holo fan meetups would be funny (for us, RIP the innocent vtuber spergs dressed up in cosplay doing karaoke), especially if there's footage. This type of response is very typical nowadays. B Achilles...
  5. Zyklon Mag


    Hearing that constant fart sound spam during that one stream she was trying to kill Roblox Calli in was enough to make me hate it
  6. Zyklon Mag


    Peta's gonna kill her dog wtf pippa
  7. Zyklon Mag


    If the dog is small, can't it be carried on you in a carrier? I've heard cats are like that.
  8. Zyklon Mag


    I have been watching this stream for only 1 minute. I see a nog. I see a vote---and oh jeez officer my hand slipped :smugpipi:
  9. Zyklon Mag


    I just got here. Voted guilty because I see a black
  10. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Tune into stream Bettel gets called a nigga:Vesper-UNHINGED:
  11. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ruze's M&G slots for Anime Impulse Pheonix completely sold out in 5 minutes. First slot was the first to go in 3 minutes.
  12. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    POV: You're Julian Assange in a few months and Hillary's still mad but had to cheap out
  13. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Shinri falling into the common cliche of stripping to pay for college debt:gurastress:DON'T DO IT MAN! AND YOU! BETTEL! STEP AWAY FROM FIVE NIGHTS AT FÄGGOTS THIS INSTANT. YOUR MOTHER IS VISITING YOU THIS WEEK. FOR SHAME. Play Five Nights at Fuckboy's instead At least Hitman and NoPixel is nice...
  14. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hakkitos rigged up a model for Hakka's brother Joining Twobert, who also got the same from Bettelion last year
  15. Zyklon Mag

    Nijisanji L Collection

    This might be a pooner
  16. Zyklon Mag

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yuu on that Overwatch nonsense
  17. Zyklon Mag

    Nijisanji L Collection

    NijiYamanbas quaking in their boots over retarded weens pretending to be Riku. Yes. This is a real safety hazard that totally didn't get neutered by simple ridicule. Archive, it actually worked :inanerdy:ACKTUALLY Shxtou was never involved in the VG 3D collab, the judges were Kuro, Michi and...
  18. Zyklon Mag


    Tenma sounds way different than I expected. And I wanted moar Pippa parts. But its a nice song:sanasmile:
  19. Zyklon Mag


    Anime Expo is super crowded, I vote for the option that won't have her risk getting crowd crushed:PomuPanic:
  20. Zyklon Mag

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I know they're dead in the West, but damn imagine not even being able to pull people with Chronoir who didn't do anything bad as far as I know.:pikaWUT: Niji doesn't even care about their employees' safety, why would they care about their customers' well being? Also at the cons I went to where...
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