"If you're a kid you shouldn't be watching this! I'm gonna be talking about banging dudes"S.S. Isa

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  1. 2XII

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

  2. 2XII

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    btw seems like the archive.org sourse is dead. Here's a new link.
  3. 2XII

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    It is Lia, Pomu is Lia's kamioshi and is modded in pomu's chat. Here is Lia in the 600k karaoke stream. PFP match too.
  4. 2XII

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Never thought I'd see the day where I'd be a source of information for one of these streams. Crazy.
  5. 2XII

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Now here's the real meat and potatoes. Lia had a Kudoboard set up by likers but had to submit his under a different name since the likers hate his guts and would have instantly removed his submission if they would have known it was him. Here is his submission and Lia's reaction to it. And here...
  6. 2XII

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Here are some extra screenshots from that PCG thread.
  7. 2XII

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Little update on one of Spanners YouTube channels. Spanner ran a clip Channel called "2Views And sad girls" and used it to primarily clip Lia from Phase Connect and was even featured on her main Channel on her list of Clippers. But he eventually stopped uploading to it giving the reason that he...
  8. 2XII

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    It was Lia he watched the most, he was in the likers discord a ton and as shit was going sideways for him he was so nervous and scared of being banned from phase connect chats but he was most scared of being banned from Lia's chat. He did a good job at framing himself as a victim there.
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