"He was like a puppy, but he had like massive bulging balls! You had to have been there!"S.S. Isa

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  1. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    Here are some more summer sale recommendations before I dive back into my journaling - Starting off is Astlibra, which is another in a long line of examples that if a game is good, people won't even mind that it's using free/modified assets. It's the sort of game that you would have imported...
  2. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    we are inching closer and closer to the bloodbath that will be July keep proctor awake at all times
  3. John Vtuber👁️


    I told you!
  4. John Vtuber👁️


    wait a minute what the fuck do you mean other reticules, do we need to call an exterminator
  5. John Vtuber👁️


    Pink Woman could never
  6. John Vtuber👁️


    don't worry, it can get gayer!
  7. John Vtuber👁️


    I changed my mind, if the first response to this sort of criticism is to block, he wouldn't have it in him to become an internet funnyman but the content surrounding him attempting to would be *immaculate*
  8. John Vtuber👁️


    all boogie has to do is drop the "oh woe is me" that drowns everything he does, become an internet funnyman that laughs at current goings on, dancing at the money thrown at him by his viewers, and he'll make more of an honest living than he currently is! if PPP could do it, so can he...
  9. John Vtuber👁️


    imagine not selling your magic cards directly to people via ebay and similar online storefronts, you would get more than from a literal card shark (imagine selling your magic cards *period*, doubly so if they're from the nostalgia-era that everyone wants)
  10. John Vtuber👁️


    no matter how many times streamers react to the boogie documentary since its release, it somehow never gets old boy I hope Mike Clum is able to get that DSP documentary going again, now THAT'S a content goldmine
  11. John Vtuber👁️


    Kirsche is once again proving that Palworld is a lethal substance to anime women, where she is seriously concerned that it might get in the way of her productivity after playing it for less than 10 minutes woe be upon any chuuba that doesn't have a manager to wrangle them when 1.0 releases, and...
  12. John Vtuber👁️


    master of reading the room, absolutely unparalleled!
  13. John Vtuber👁️


    if she needs steam games to buy instead of powering through her eternal backlog, I'm just going to shoot wildly based on a vague idea of what she enjoys because I still don't understand it to this day, but I can at least guarantee for the games' enjoyment: "My Time At Sandrock", sequel to "My...
  14. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    clean your room
  15. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    At this point, I don’t think he would even be capable of a desk job or data entry, if 5 1/2 hours of menial chores before he gets to watch streams is too much for him. Will he one day learn that he can do work AND listen to streams in the background, as long as he can prove the work can get...
  16. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    what do you mean A-chan's leaving and the bossman was awake, this sucks, man best of luck to both her, and Nodoka taking up the mantle in her stead, hopefully things go up from here
  17. John Vtuber👁️


    Pippa if you want to get mad at people, the debates are starting in a few minutes, log off and scream IRL at the two men that will determine online discourse for the next half decade
  18. John Vtuber👁️


    I still have no intention of streaming again this line alone will spawn hundreds of pages of discussion, let's go
  19. John Vtuber👁️


    It's not even a bad take, it's the creators making a request so that the game can exist at all in the west! shit, I'm more on the puritan side of things, and even I understand that pornography of existing works is an inevitability. even in Japan these works continue to be made, and there are...
  20. John Vtuber👁️


    can't believe Pippa's a fake build-a-bear fan, sad...
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