"So I can't give my fans permission to fap?"Nekomata Okayu

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  1. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/1569/Eternal_Destiny__Complete_Bundle/ This might be what you are looking for. Well, by that I mean all the cards are included.
  2. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

  3. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    I already have this so I got: (I just got Shadow of the ErdTree, so I didn't buy anything expensive.)
  4. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Yes, I'll do that since I haven't beaten him yet. (I'm going to come back to him later.) Edit: Good news, I found the perfect electric slug farming spot! Now I can spend hours and hours throwing black fireballs at slugs, hoping the RNG will give me the precious rocks I need! Yay! (It's...
  5. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    This guy... this freakin' guy....
  6. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Yeah, I switched from Intelligence to Faith a long time back so I'm not expecting to get much use out of Rellana's stuff. I'll just add them to my pile of INT weapons for if I ever decide to respec. Currently I'm working on this guy. I don't think he's that tough, he reminds me of some of...
  7. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    So far I've been able to kill a number of non-remembrance bosses. Rot and Poison work really well. They even work on Rellana, but as with most strong bosses you have to proc them twice and she'll drop the Twin Moon nukes on you when her health gets into the red. If I was in a rush to complete...
  8. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Finally found the girl of my dreams... (I've always been a big Dragon Communion guy.)
  9. MrProcessor


  10. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    I was worried I was going to have to start over because I breathed frost breath all over the storage room before walking into and really injured that horrible old woman, but turns out she's horrible whether you attack her or not. So that's a relief.
  11. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    This sword is pretty fun. If you two hand it, it turns into two swords. It has a nice moveset and I think the horn calling weapon art is pretty cool. However, it's not an over powered weapon. The horns do stagger damage but it takes a while to build up. I've upgraded to the next highest...
  12. MrProcessor


  13. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    I wonder if he'll be friends with me...
  14. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Holy Water pots work well too, but it's always a pain to collect the materials.
  15. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    That sucks, I love those horns. Well, probably not as much any more. They used to be great for killing Death Rite Birds.
  16. MrProcessor

    Pippa: Loyal corporate soldier. [MEDIA]

    Pippa: Loyal corporate soldier.
  17. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    It's the waiting that's the hardest part..
  18. MrProcessor

    The Music Thread

  19. MrProcessor


  20. MrProcessor

    Timeless moments

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