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  1. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    just fyi bc my mental illness will not let me just pass this by- this game is by definition not fujo (the game's fans will absolutely obliterate anyone who even tries to ship any of the male leads with a man), the word you're looking for is 'otome' anyways specialite jp announces their gen 2...
  2. hara돌

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    The screams double confirmed her identity as hampwn/bisco for me haha I've always loved ham's weird sense of humor and I'm excited to see what she does next!!
  3. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    As someone who's been watching Flay since his PL, this is quite possibly the most accurate description of him I've ever seen. In some KR news, Jooin and Yona (both former Niji KR) have released another cover together I really like Yona's voice~ After losing a few members, Jooin's corpo...
  4. hara돌

    Nijisanji L Collection

    You know, people say this, but frankly a majority of Niji JP is made up of competent or amazing singers. Even guys like Kanae and Kuzuha (who are mostly FPS guys) or the ROF-MAO boys (mostly comedy, zatsu, and variety content) release amazing covers and original music. It's just wild to me that...
  5. hara돌

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Yeah they did the same thing with their Heroes wave(s), their song got sung by JP's Higuchi Kaede and EN's Ren Zotto... I get that ILUNA and XSOLEIL's songs were disasters but I feel like the solution there is to.... start recruiting people who can sing? Nijisanji EN's recruitment has never...
  6. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    are you confusing V&U with VReverie- hasn't V&U only lost the one? and those twins from gen 1 but that was ages ago
  7. hara돌

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    FYI, as the app is in beta, there is no functionality to buy coins. I've played a few games in beta and I don't think any of them have ever had an active cash shop. Over the course of the debuts, all users got given something like 30,000 coins for free.
  8. hara돌

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    So I guess I'll give some insights as someone who's done a few corpo auditions for the hell of it. There's different levels to the amount of effort you can put into an audition video. Many corpos have specific things they want to see (some specifically ask for you to sing, others don't, etc.)...
  9. hara돌

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Hey considering Maria and Hanabi went from Tsunderia to AkioAIR I think she's doing great LMAO
  10. hara돌

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    https://twitter.com/HaewonTheHeart https://www.youtube.com/@haewontheheartstring Formerly known as HaewonTheWitch, she was going to be in Tsunderia's Gen 4 before everything fell apart. Apparently she also did NSFW ASMR on Patreon? I'm not super into all that, but I did enjoy her regular...
  11. hara돌

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    The funniest thing is that a friend of mine made it to the next round while 1) using an audition video that was sent to multiple agencies and 2) not following the nexas twt account. So he's really just talking for the sake of talking....
  12. hara돌

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)

    Kou Tsubame will be graduating with PRISM's closure I did say "or any of the PRISM girls besides maybe Shiki" - does that count or is that too vague lol
  13. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    From my knowledge of this situation (all of this is secondhand bc I wasn't in the community back then), she burned a lot of bridges at the time. Basically anyone I know who knew her then got treated poorly for no reason, and when anyone tried to help her she'd lash out. It's understandable...
  14. hara돌

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)

    Can I get half a point for predicting any PRISM Project talent even though none of them are actually graduating and instead the entire company died. I think I can only predict corpo death and nothing else.. :pekol:
  15. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This situation has been going on for years at this point- https://twitter.com/ChaLatteSan was one of Bao's head mods and then later her manager (and allegedly Shoto's manager as well, but that's mostly hearsay) and the person behind Copium Merch. She handled all the merch announcements and...
  16. hara돌

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Wawa (Nophi) and Kibi (Azuri) have both rebranded as well - to Poyo and Zuri, so something definitely happened behind the scenes. Hopefully, AKIO is straight up dead now. a a a a What I have that shows who they used to be (sometimes clicking eepywawa's @ redirects to this account with her...
  17. hara돌

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I get that this was said flippantly, but genuinely Selen was the best known member of the EN branch besides Vox because of her participation in various Apex events. She was well-respected for her Apex skill and played a big part in branching the gap between Niji EN and JP despite the language...
  18. hara돌

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    While I will say that Doki has always been kind of sensitive and has called things "bullying" that weren't malicious at all (I'd have to dig it back up bc it was so long ago, but I think there was some drama over an Among Us game? I'll try looking for it), this statement left an extremely bitter...
  19. hara돌

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)

    archive of shizukou's twt a Bond EN is getting hit with yet another graduation- of their talents who stream on YouTube rather than the strange app REALITY only one remains Also fascinating that the company Twitter account only just tweeted the graduation of Hanahime Mei (who abruptly graduated...
  20. hara돌

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    at least with niji you can rely on ragtag- maybe it's the mental illness, but when channels get purged after a grad and i know for a fact no one cared enough to keep an archive, i feel like i'm breaking out in hives. the amount of what you could consider "lost vtuber media" is honestly...
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