"Every time a new gen debuts, I always wait and see if they talk about the senpais they admire, always hoping that maybe I'm one of them? This time... (EN3) there wasn't. I can't wait to be admired too"Omaru Polka

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  1. Thomas Talus

    Nijisanji L Collection

    It's a weird thing to ponder for someone who grew up with the Bulls of Jordan and Pippen (with Rodman as a sideshow).
  2. Thomas Talus


    's a roight wank, innit?
  3. Thomas Talus

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Gura likely watches Wendigoon, she mentioned recently watching a video on government cheese.
  4. Thomas Talus

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    LLCs are way more flexible, and can be disregarded/pass-through entities for taxation purposes; C-corps are always going to be subject to double taxation (first assessed on corporate earnings, then the distributions are taxed as income to the recipient). My business entities prof basically said...
  5. Thomas Talus

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    It's the first major conflict we've seen in ages where no one has air superiority. None of that means that China won't try to do it.
  6. Thomas Talus

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    While I can definitely see the US losing the will to intervene in somewhere like Dagestan or the Central African Republic, Taiwan is a major strategic trading partner; they are one of the last places the US would be apathetic about, probably only behind the UK and Japan.
  7. Thomas Talus

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't remember what her parents did, but I do remember her commenting on a heavy storm going on outside, when you could look at a precipitation map for Italy and see that the only big storm was (IIRC) a bit NW of Rome.
  8. Thomas Talus

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Myth is fighting the Ender Dragon as the finale to their one-block event. Edit: It is finished. Seemed like less of a shitshow than the original fight back on the old EN server.
  9. Thomas Talus

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Getting involved with League again is a suitable punishment for his apostacy.
  10. Thomas Talus

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Sometimes countries end up making ill-advised attempts to invade and conquer their neighbors despite having a poorly-trained/equipped/led army because their leadership's mouths have been writing checks about how stronk they are that their backers expect them to eventually start cashing in, and...
  11. Thomas Talus

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    I can see how this might have taken a while to make.
  12. Thomas Talus

    Vidya Games Thread

    You have to do that in the base game with seeds and tears.
  13. Thomas Talus

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Are you familiar with the concept of statutory damages for copyright violations? Whoever holds the rights could be awarded up to $150,000 in the case of a willful violation (which this was).
  14. Thomas Talus

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    Cecilia isn't really grabbing my attention, but that cover video was very pretty.
  15. Thomas Talus

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    "Where's that merch I ordered 2 years ago?"
  16. Thomas Talus

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    If the fish is going to be fried, might as well be in Blighty.
  17. Thomas Talus


    Vtubers (and streamers more generally) are buskers. If you like the music, you throw some money in the guitar box.
  18. Thomas Talus

    HoloEN4 - holoJustice: Speculation/Discussion/Debut Liveposting

    "What's all this, then?"
  19. Thomas Talus

    The (Potential) MSM Talent Scandal

    DE is making itself less business-friendly, as we saw with the judge trying to void Musk's shareholder-approved pay package.
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