"I was always really curious about what... what being fucked by a tentacle would feel like"Himemiya Rie

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  1. Kourai

    Archiving and You

    Archive.today has previously had slapfights with Brave specifically (not Chromium browsers in general). This has supposedly since been fixed, but I find that access through Brave without VPN still sometimes doesn't work when other browsers work. I've also seen allegations that archive.today's...
  2. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Hang on... I might be misremembering, but I remember someone saying that a second buyback would reduce the number of shares on the market below a required amount to stay publicly listed. What changed?
  3. Kourai

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Running guesses for the huge announcement are . Especially since the first solo is a new original. The band is live.
  4. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Yeah, Mysta said this on stream, but that was some months before FalseEyeD went "Did you know they only make 2% on merch :O". So the Mysta clip proves that False didn't just make it up, but it probably wasn't Mysta who brought it to False's attention. Although it's possible Mysta just wanted to...
  5. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Cross-quoting from main thread: Aruvn, an utaite who was often guessed for each NijiEN wave, addresses rumours from "last year" with a Google Doc. archive.ph can independently prove that a particular Google Drive link was live, but is bad at showing the actual content. Catbox pdf That aside...
  6. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Cross-posting @sbm 's post from the test forum, as the test forum will be wiped after 10 June 2024. FalseEyed had most of the Anycolor Cease and Desist [to Raziel Warmonic, Luca Kaneshiro's ex-mod] on his video today. I kept seeing screenshots so I begrudgingly watched the vid to screenshot...
  7. Kourai

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Kanade Holosong karaoke. She sang mumei and now she's on Caesura of Despair.
  8. Kourai

    Of all days for you to skip your Jewish prayers

    Of all days for you to skip your Jewish prayers
  9. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    That's because Vox's proportions are somewhat better and his pose doesn't immediately draw attention to his yaoi hands, while Shu's pants aren't overdesigned cultural appropriation. When they're all revealed someone can make a best-of and worst-of lol. I wonder if Niji is simply out of money...
  10. Kourai

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That's quite the song choice. The MV is very Korone.
  11. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    One of Zaion's anecdotes in One Girl's Story was that she was told to record her lines for Xsoliel's debut song in October within a week, before ever hearing any of her genmates' voices. She asked for her deadline to be pushed back because she was going to Twitchcon. Then she had to submit her...
  12. Kourai

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    Someone on /brg/ claims to have dumped the whole AniLive app. Download at your own risk. https://pixeldrain.com/u/jLqb4iEy
  13. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I'm not an accountant, but I don't think this fits Mika's account of events. 1. If Niji was trying to DIY their tax withholding for contractors, why was this presented to Mika as an option, instead of a 10% (or whatever %) cut for all the contractors? (Edit: It's possible that Niji did just say...
  14. Kourai

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    What inappropriate remarks is Captain referring to? Harry's tantrum from the debut weekend? That was embarrassing, but if that's all, Captain's second tweet is also unprofessional - carrying on about how he had no involvement, the talents were innocent, and Harry needs to regain trust through...
  15. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    This contributes to why Mika assumed Niji meant her personal income tax, because that is an option Indonesian companies can offer to employees. Another factor is that even at the very latest, Niji must have made this offer before NijiID was merged to NijiJP management. This has implications for...
  16. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I agree. I just think that expressing sympathy and regret without admitting fault is as much as the Riku video did. The PR might have been better if he had a more direct allusion to Selen's suicide attempts and hassling her in the hospital, but I can also see why a PR team might have explicitly...
  17. Kourai

    Community Happenings

    ¡ALERTA! Idol Corp announced their first EN ES generation, composed of 5 talents. Their debuts will start 3 May 2024. Post in General thread Archive of thread page and embedded tweets
  18. Kourai

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I mean... Purely hypothetically, if Froot claimed she attempted suicide because of "Where's the money" posts on TVA, even if she had proof she was hospitalised, you would not apologise. One, because it's a dumb reason to attempt suicide which you cannot be held morally or legally responsible...
  19. Kourai

    VT-Rainbow Disintegration Thread [Now the Marina Disintegration Thread]

    I'm of two minds about this. I can see why we might want to decrease the inevitable spread of information that might be used against Marina's victims. But at the same time, it's useful for potential victims to be able to do a basic search and find reasons why Marina should not be trusted. This...
  20. Kourai

    NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!

    This bothers me. I've been flip-flopping about NEXAS' management style or lack thereof. Hypothetically, if they told the talents "stream only zatsus on our app for 10 hours a week" and placed zero other obligations on them - no behind-the-scenes work, no music production, no art, no pressure to...
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