"How do people die during interrogation?"Amanogawa Shiina

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  1. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    GFE? I'm out of the loop, af, isn't she the "I'm not your friend" girl? She seemed cool and the thumbnail art is cute but tbh her stream was a bit boring. Azehara, I think Icey would scare you off. On of her early streams she mentioned being into age play and calling chat "ojisan"...I checked...
  2. SouperDooper

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    My main takeaway from this thread is to be reminded of how unserious Proctor comes off as when he tries to be serious. It took me a few weeks of lurking in this forum before I realized he wasn't just a regular user. Why does it always come back to horses?
  3. SouperDooper

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Ah yes, let's do something like that! Hmm, getting an Internet mob to yell at her about it might work.... Say, we've got a bunch of mentally well adjusted people right here...and isn't there some other forum, that something Farms? This is sure to be productive! Why did you assault my eyes with...
  4. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I thought that was Icey, unless both of them did. They're all mega degens on their nsfw twitters and joke about it elsewhere too. Icey basically drew MS paint tier loli porn of her model staring at a cock in the recent gartic phone collab, idk how the hell that shit is staying up. It's funny...
  5. SouperDooper

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    I dunno, in this context, I took this clip more as "well, I did teaching so this hits too close to reality that it makes me uncomfortable". Sort of like how people that actually have siblings are more averse to incest fantasies whereas people without siblings might find incest fantasies more...
  6. SouperDooper

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    So it sounds like the worst thing she did is put herself in danger, unless im missing something. FurAffinity is indeed an art site, though it has a ton of porn. God, I fuckin know what you're talking about but idk the name of it....there's some old internet erp site people used to use that was...
  7. SouperDooper

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Im sorry, I listened to this whole thing and every time he said "e-whore" I just burst out laughing.
  8. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You know, I was being ironic about them before and expecting them either to be boring e thots or the whole thing to be a trainwreck but after watching most of their debuts and some of the 2.0s they actually seem kind of cool and surprisingly self aware. Also @Azehara don't think I didn't see you...
  9. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Why the hell are y'all fighting about me? It's gay as fuck. So, I remember that Rune actually posted a nude version of her model a few times on twitter (it got mass reported and deleted both times), so idk if you consider that coomer baiting. I got the impression she was okay with lewd stuff...
  10. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Thank you for the information. I have subscribed to all of them and will now only watch Whorelure talents. No more wholesome, cute vtuber content for me. I'm 90% sure she's formerly Rune Bunnura, given her speech patterns, voice, and choice of games. I'm happy for her, she seems to be having...
  11. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It's actually been this good for a while now, it's just that the majority of the images people like to output are the generic high-definition or ultra rendered anime style stuff. I actually used to be able to tell pretty reliably if a vtuber fanart was AI generated but now that it can more...
  12. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    New Hime Hajime cover out of nowhere
  13. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Lia is right, you know.
  14. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    No, I'm new here and dumb.
  15. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    According to her twitter, PayPal temporarily froze her account because that low (and strange) number from three or four charges looked "suspicious". She says she's going to raise prices as people are telling her she should or something. Also she drew a slime titty thing.
  16. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Honestly, this doesn't really surprise me given that it's her.
  17. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Her terms and conditions on her vgen page are uh...special.
  18. SouperDooper

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This is anecdotal af, but a decent amount of the self-professed lolicons I've ever interacted with also happened to be some sort of trans. Or furry. Or both, somehow? "Serve cunt" does seem to have some kind of meaning similar to "slay" and some kind of "girl power" connotations from what I...
  19. SouperDooper

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Maybe it tastes good when you actually cook it, but that soup look kinda nasty in the package.
  20. SouperDooper

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I like how i'm clearly the cooler twin in this picture, so I think i'll adopt it as my profile picture.
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