"What's the point of wielding the sword if you are not willing to get it bloody"Shylily

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  1. Tamavitch


    Pipkin Pippa?:confusedshuba:
  2. Tamavitch


    The biggest nightmare imaginable for a westoid female is to be treated the same as a man, or to be treated fairly in general. Look up what happens to pooners that sets them over the 45% line most often. For troons, it's realizing they WNBAW and when they cut their dicks off, they can no longer...
  3. Tamavitch


    I hope Pappa Elon buys Youtube next. Then the feds will only control *checks notes* 93% of all media. But also remember that the only reason they've let us see what Biden's state is like as much as they have is simply because they have plans to replace him with somebody even worse. In the end he...
  4. Tamavitch

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    One day, rather than continuing to delude yourselves that Nolan is particularly bad or especially pathetic, all of you South Americans etc. will come to a stunning reality: Nolan is only about 10% worse than your average North American 12-28 year old. And there is little distinction inside that...
  5. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    THE Pipkin Pippa explained that the stupid-faces thumbnails get picked up by the algo itself. It's not meant to appeal to anyone or make randos click. It appeals to Google-Skynet's broken and inept AI and the benefit is unfortunately palpable. It makes jewgle put your videos ahead of others'.
  6. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Here is a fun supercut of it sempai. And for the record the other one thanks to the resident vtweeter/vdiscorder
  7. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I can't believe I missed posting on the 4000 getto. FUCKING KANEKO LUMI DID THIS. Somebody asked a bit ago about streams you watch repeatedly. For me it's Lia's Chris-chan (the clip called "hardest laugh ever" or somesuch where she almost fucking dies when she sees Plautistic) and also the...
  8. Tamavitch


    Foxu defeated Offcuck Expo security :3
  9. Tamavitch

    Liveposting General - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    I assume there's nobody posting because we're all watching EN Vtubing's Supreme Leader, Ceres Fauna, running her rpg dungeon. Mumei just looted Irys' dead body. edit to say they almost picked a MILF hat over resurrecting Irys. Why do they HATE her???
  10. Tamavitch


  11. Tamavitch


    So it was Pippa hating Lisa all along?!?:baeJam:
  12. Tamavitch


    She is literally dying but she had 3,333 on youtube for a second there. ...Woman tears in.....3...2...
  13. Tamavitch

    Pipprojects 2024

    African-American Style Clean Beef 1# ground beef scrub thoroughly using a mild dish soap such as Dawn rinse under the sprayer never do any of this ???? enjoy!
  14. Tamavitch


    Leaving aside the whole conspiracy to kill off white people thing (they don't need to be sneaky about it and openly call for it anyway) this whole SIDS thing is a fact. Everyone in health care knows it, it's a euphemism and has been happening since the dawn of time. It's why humans are meant to...
  15. Tamavitch


  16. Tamavitch


    Nickel and dimed by gacha and trading cards is more likely to kill you than a couple huge purchases.
  17. Tamavitch

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)

    Offkai expo belongs here :)
  18. Tamavitch

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    JustLurking and Anime Fan your concessions are accepted.
  19. Tamavitch

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    All you wrote was "aaahhhh mbmllbmmmll I LOVE COMMIE DICK AND CAN"T CHOKE ON IT ENOUGH!" you subhuman. Your posts have reeked of leftarded tourist plant for quite a while. Of course you'll suck cock for commies and parrot the pablum of "it's only ploitical when you OPPOSE leftardism!" You...
  20. Tamavitch


    This causes me to consider that I still don't know if she's a runt or a runway model beanpole. Or a goblin or a Stacy for that matter. Somebody or other called her "tiny" during the Japan Saga.
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