"For some reason, I got food poisoning from enoki mushrooms, which are supposed to be good for digestion, and now I am living in the toilet! Don't look for it 🍄"Utatane Nasa

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  1. Short

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If you believe that you're actually fucking retarded A Look at that adam's apple lmao You can see his dick and balls here(with no pussy) if you don't believe me. https://simpcity.su/threads/obkatiekat.24785/
  2. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    That was on the fetish-tier video that started this shit show also well-known on /vt/ you can't point it out that the Kiki shit was "an open secret on /vt/" and therefore a "nothingburger" and then claim not to know about her teaching children with wasn't even a secret at all.
  3. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    You fags really want to make this a us versus them shit? Why can't we point out the cancer in our own community? "she's absolutely a paedophile is stretching the situation", she is a pedo "helped herself out of it" Do you believe pedo can just stop being pedos? "this is a nothingburger and...
  4. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    That you're a pedophile defender and the reason why this community deserves to be treated like shit.
  5. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    WTF are you even talking about? When did I do any of this? LMAO
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    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I wonder why...
  7. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    No, you fucking femboy if you make a public statement you get a public response. Having pedo defenders is a thousand times worse them Proctor's sperg outs it's not even close dude LMAO PLS kill yourself
  8. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Oh no he gave an opinion and people disagree with it the horror grow a pair you fucking pussy not even Nag was that butt hurt about it, if you give an opinion on anything be prepared for people to argue against you retard.
  9. Short

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    If I can bring you this. And your response isn't that it is fake but that it is a "nothingburer" Then I will just have to admit that the VTuber community is full of pedophiles and Null and the Kiwis were right about us all along. :botanshrug:
  10. Short

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    That was in reference to this I will point it out in @midori defense this was obviously before my post on KF Edit: LMAO wrong Kiki
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    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

  12. Short


    He is my favorite carrier pigeon :eyehearts:
  13. Short

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Vtuber corpo Wonder Pop that we talked about a while ago is debuting their first gen with 3 talents on June 15th (a) (a) (a) and the last one didn't put a trailer but here's their Twitter account https://x.com/s_shadowbrook
  14. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Wah wah, why doesn't everyone act how I want them to!!! Get a fucking hobby retard.
  15. Short

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    this? Archives: Kiel tweet doyDNI tweet rentry.co/extvt rentry.co/aeiou txti file
  16. Short

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    this one? https://thevirtualasylum.com/threads/general-vtuber-discussion-v1.1/page-3911#post-121376 https://thevirtualasylum.com/threads/general-vtuber-discussion-v1.1/page-3914#post-121483
  17. Short

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Megu is live with a life update and karaoke stream! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I missed her!
  18. Short

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Looks like Twitch has already unbanned her
  19. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    So, she confirmed it herself on a public VC and still banned @Cubanodun for it? And you think this is a own? Holy shit you two deserve each other LMAO
  20. Short

    The General Banter Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Sadly getting rid of the groomcord won't kill @naganon or @midori
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