"take dawn sord! be frendry!!!!"Usada Pekora

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  1. Punished Anime Discusser

    I did tell you to kill yourself, but still, RIP in peace lil' nigga.

    I did tell you to kill yourself, but still, RIP in peace lil' nigga.
  2. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    To be fair, there's also a world of difference between going "lolfat" at someone a couple times and some of the shit we say about other talents that we don't like on the regular.
  3. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Welp, time to delete the forum, we called Karen fat, and called Froot a cheating whore, it's over bros.
  4. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It gets gayer by the millisecond.
  5. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I can't be fucked to find the actual stream, but she did confirm the picture was real, but from 2018 or 2019 or some shit, when she was fat.
  6. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Wait until you hear about Dazzle getting kicked out of the Discord after oneguying Proctor into a 3 hour argument and winning (I think, I didn't feel like reading the whole thing)
  7. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Well, you see, Calli doesn't remind anyone of their mom. And if she does, I'm sorry.
  8. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Because of uh "evading the word filter". Riiiiiiiiiiight. No other reason. :smugmoona:
  9. Punished Anime Discusser


    It is some kind of cosmic irony that the first and last thing she did in the discord was telling Takodachi to kill himself after he called her fat.
  10. Punished Anime Discusser

    Vidya Games Thread

    Alright Epic Hardcore Gaymers, the new COD campaign is out. And it's 3 hours long. And literally nothing happens in the entire plot. It's 80% miniature "open ended" segments that are just chunks of MW2019 Verdansk and the new warzone maps slapped together, you get dropped in, get two...
  11. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Too based for Nijisanji, probably too UOOOOOOOOOOOH for Hololive, so I'm guessing some small corpo I can't think of or Idol. Oh yeah, makes perfect sense that the pro-loli crusader would get scooped up by Idol actually.
  12. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Did her computer get struck by lightning or some shit? :kaijesssus:
  13. Punished Anime Discusser

    Vidya Games Thread

    I have to shill this video, it might be the single greatest videogame review of the last fifteen years.
  14. Punished Anime Discusser

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    He'd ask for a vtuber with higher numbers all the way until Gura told him he was being a fag.
  15. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    @Bannedvtmemes wow, congrats on becoming a malewife, gayboy
  16. Punished Anime Discusser

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    His other stars oshi is Bettel. This man is so unbelievably fucked.
  17. Punished Anime Discusser

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Because it's the current thing, and Ukraine got boring.
  18. Punished Anime Discusser

    Vidya Games Thread

    Don't you know, Robocop is a deeply political film about police ineptitude and corruption? Wait, what, it's about corporate overreach and what makes a person really human?
  19. Punished Anime Discusser

    Vidya Games Thread

    Robocop: Rogue City early access (and pirated release) is out, and apparently the game is great. Not really surprised considering how weirdly good Terminator: Resistance was. Bonus joy because a couple game journo sites are really assmad that the cops are portrayed positively in that game.
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