"There is nothing going on in that rabbit brain"Amaris Yuri

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!


#1 Hexa Fan
Joined:  Feb 26, 2023

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Dear god: I know you think you're really funny screwing with this girl's life over and over, but this time, just this once, make sure she doesn't move into a volcano house or a radiation trap or something equally terrible.
The house is fine but the location she moves to has absolutely abhorrent internet connection that can't support her streaming career, causing her to move back in with her family not long after.

Clown Penis

Dizzy "Elf Pride Worldwide" Dokuro
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The house is fine but the location she moves to has absolutely abhorrent internet connection that can't support her streaming career, causing her to move back in with her family not long after.
Hey, fuck you buddy.

Nasa and English abbreviations.. what could go wrong?

Faceless Waifu

look at this cute emm I generated
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At what point does the continued insistence that people must be lying because what they're saying does not confirm your preconceived notions become the cope?
The fact that you get one-guy'd by the folks in this forum doesn't really help your case.

Anyway, Hunii the vtuber that was in proctor's groomcord who is Hexa's friend and also a general dork is doing a yapping stream + gaming stream, just started.

The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
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Hololive Indonesia is sponsoring the Indonesian version of the Japanese Film Festival:
foto_no_exif (83) (1).jpg


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Mari's Guerilla Karaoke, come watch.


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Anyone used the Costco premium toilet paper before? :dokiSmug:



Gyudon is tasty
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They expect one of us in the wreckage brother!
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Hololive Indonesia is sponsoring the Indonesian version of the Japanese Film Festival:
View attachment 70396
Why is Hololive sponsoring... independent filmmaking?

electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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Randon zatsu at an unusual time.

The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
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I love my dumb dorky nephilim
Namirin's Husband
Joined:  Nov 28, 2022

The videos title could not be more accurate.
I really like the way Yura does his clips

Lurker Lurkerman

Lurker mode activated.
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
I have a colleague who keeps a hamster. The damn things seem to find new ways to self-terminate every 3-6 months. She is always inconsolable, and then within a month she always buys a new hamster and the cycle repeats.
Is your colleague single? Is the hamster's name Lemmiwinks? If so, then I have bad news for you my friend...

Update on the Muyu living situation from todays streams

  • She no longer feels safe at home
  • Her siblings constantly have strange people over some even staying the night
  • Some of them have even been sleeping in the hall in front of her room (not brought up today but from a previous stream)
  • They're always playing music and being loud and obnoxious while conscious
  • Not only is she scared to leave her room but she wants to put a lock on her door so strange people don't wander in her room
  • Even Sakana has been telling her to move out
  • Good news is she's moving out on the 15th of next month
  • Bad news is she's on a guerilla schedule until then
Fucking finally! Flips are worse than cockroaches except @Awoogers, he's a britfag so he's the worst.



Jesus Christ Hexa you dumb :WHORE!!!:, we have literally just seen how this shit ends up.

Speaking of Tsunderia-alumni rising from the dead: Hanabi is back from her college study hiatus:

The hell!? Everyone's coming back! Now we just need Mel Nekomata and the portal to hell can now open.

Why is Hololive sponsoring... independent filmmaking?
Because they can?

The Peanut Gallery

His smile and optimism: Restored. 🕯️👁️
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Caramel idol brainworming on alt

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Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
Twenty minutes until it's time to chill with the chilliest chilla


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weird polka went from have 0 clips in months to people started clipping polka alot. Planned to work on this one but happy someone did it first
Definitely my influence they must have seen how shit my subs are and started clipping so I don't actually work on them :smugpipi:


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weird polka went from have 0 clips in months to people started clipping polka alot. Planned to work on this one but happy someone did it first
Definitely my influence they must have seen how shit my subs are and started clipping so I don't actually work on them :smugpipi:

probably Polka moments in Minecraft Hardcore put her into the spotlight for the moment. Collabing with other that have dedicated clippers maybe makes those clipper take an interest on Polka stream.
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