"I loved telling you guys bedtime stories. You guys all had great bedtime stories, and they all went something like this. Once upon a time, there is a little girl named Lia. Lia was walking to the forest, and her mom said Lia, don't walk through the forest by yourself. Lia said, mom, fuck you, I don't care. Mom said, okay, whatever. And all of a sudden, birds swooped out of the sky and pecked out both her eyeballs. The end. You liked those stories when you were younger"Lia Rinkou's mom

/vt/ insanity and antis


White Yaksha
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Trap Supremacy

Your Local Trap (investi)Gator
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Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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Gyudon is tasty
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
It seems like some /vt/ anons (well some of them are /vt/ others may just be general antis) tried to shit up Vespers latest Zatsu both in the chat and in the comments

(this was one full comment chain)
(Another full comment chain. Also apologies for all the goddamn screencaps but this shit did need to be archived)


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Didn't the last troon who was obsessed with Ember shoot up a supermarket?

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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It's that time of the month again.... time to shit on SpookiVT: you anti my Oshi for 1 second -> you become my Cow for life

It's all that Yamanba DNA being pumped up your femboy ass, sure it rolls off your tongue too
You are the vtweeterist vtweeter that ever vtweetered
You are blatantly unwanted in all chats, discords and forums. Your faggoty backseating and sexpesting is all you are known for.
You have no talent and and never had a chance.
Yeah I fucking bet you want to be observed less, tough shit. DFE and stop trying to insert yourself into other people's stuff if you don't like it.
You online = you being watched like the sexpest cow you are
henrifallowspokie.PNG Oh you enjoy that Henry fallow Spooki, Oh God please let this go somewhere.
Yeah I bet it feels bad to them when you harass and try to blackmail them.
>Will just fallow 'em...
Yeah I know you do. And he seriously doesn't get why everyone denounces him as a stalker sexpest!


Gyudon is tasty
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I’d say something witty here but I honestly can’t think of anything.


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I'm posting this here to laugh it, don't want to crap up the main thread.
:whatastory:bitch you don't have shit on Henri :SelenHAHAhere:


World-famous performance artist Notorious S.E.A.
Joined:  Jan 6, 2023
Numbermonkeys now outright making shit up and pretending it's real in their crusade against Nijisanji
Shouldn't be at all surprising, given those subhumans will happily post underage nudes to own Pomu


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Not pictured: the will to live
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Punished Anime Discusser

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The guy who's been in every /pcg/ thread recently, spamming about Pippa's 'bluepill arc'? None other than Niggaurd, homeland resident, looks like.

Reasoning? The specific phrase "bluepill arc", the time on the Critikal screenshot lining up (even though the one uploaded to the farms seems to have been taken from his phone, no dark mode, ios emojis, I believe), him using the exact same youtube comments as 'evidence' on both sites.


Nevermind all that, the filename on images 4 and 5 lines up exactly. Local /vt/poster too lazy and retarded to rename files.

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They expect one of us in the wreckage brother!
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
The guy who's been in every /pcg/ thread recently, spamming about Pippa's 'bluepill arc'? None other than Niggaurd, homeland resident, looks like.

Reasoning? The specific phrase "bluepill arc", the time on the Critikal screenshot lining up (even though the one uploaded to the farms seems to have been taken from his phone, no dark mode, ios emojis, I believe), him using the exact same youtube comments as 'evidence' on both sites.

View attachment 16659
View attachment 16660
View attachment 16661

Nevermind all that, the filename on images 4 and 5 lines up exactly. Local /vt/poster too lazy and retarded to rename files.

View attachment 16662
View attachment 16663
freshmeat fag, never heard of 'im

Punished Anime Discusser

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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
freshmeat fag, never heard of 'im
>posted exclusively in the rekieta thread
>pikamee graduation thread goes up and then he posts exclusively there
>every single post in there is politifagging
>first and only vtuber thread post is what I posted above

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

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Dread Father
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Not really an anti post but this made me lol


World-famous performance artist Notorious S.E.A.
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White Yaksha
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