"I'm single and available to whoever will have me; I accept invitations to dinner, to the movies and dancing, I love dancing; Also loving is sharing and you can share me with everyone else!"Banzoin Hakka's mom

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  1. CalciumAnimal

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I mean I read the rules and i remember having trouble with answering some of them and refreshing till i got one that worked. maybe i don't speak English as good as I think. I was planning to post more but it all amounted to get some help Nolan.
  2. CalciumAnimal

    Nijisanji L Collection

    New Wave Leaving? and time is a flat circle.
  3. CalciumAnimal

    Nijisanji L Collection

    :cursedbae:what are the odds they reworked a female model to save money. Perhaps one of selens given the hair color.:cursedbae: I legit think one of the reason Rosemi seems to be staying is she is just happy where she is like she character loves her fans happy around 500k I assume Dizzy and...
  4. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    because the writers and creatives do. There are good stories out there just look for them Ive been enjoying moon knight since 2021 that's 3 years of good stories.Jed Mackay being one of the writers I fully respect. And before you say Moon Knight is small and doesn't count Jed has been helming...
  5. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it was to mixed results but id definitely argue it's better then Sins no matter what it had to do to undo it.
  6. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    what fucking reparations? from who for fucking what? what even is this I think her rep comes from well her conduct in the aftermath correct or not lobbing a nuke at a corpo and then turning into a semi normal vtuber personality was disappointing now add the usual retards and anti's and now how...
  7. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    this might be retarded but seeing how Nepotism the company works when run by someone who isn't entirely insane will be interesting. if your goal is sinking cash into others and getting them an audience why would you not say as much thats not grandstanding or posturing that's basic marketing and...
  8. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    because that is what meta verse actually is but every "Expert" (read as Grifter) wants you to think otherwise.shoving VR into it does not make it new or better. Second Life already exists and we all agreed Second Life is Cringe. Humor is subjective.:guradumbl: Geezuz 3 in a row. Your making a...
  9. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it's nothing special just a combo of long running series grown ass disgusting men the playerbase being mostly kids ect. Creep and assholes are not especially common just very loudly shunned compare to say pokemon which is dead silent about most of it's predators. Smash players not taking a...
  10. CalciumAnimal

    Vidya Games Thread

    as i recall hes also the inspiration for Afro Samurai whom is popular in his own right. what are the odds they give him a gun i want to see the twittards rage about giving the blackman a gun dispite Oda loving the things so it would make total sense.
  11. CalciumAnimal

    Vidya Games Thread

    when you feel the need to look stuff up I enjoy most of FuryForged for his Noita content. hes also heavily involved in secret hunting so definitely worth a watch if you want to get into the DEEP end.
  12. CalciumAnimal

    Vidya Games Thread

    meh it's jsut a matter of time till whatever terms the epic fail store run out
  13. CalciumAnimal

    Vidya Games Thread

    Wait and see if the ports are worth a damn. though given how they did the final fantasy ports at least they are playable functional and tried to be accommodating for the most part. Maybe once Squeenix sees money to be made in the porting of their games to other markets we might get...
  14. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I suspect Ex-niji's outside of people who clearly hit it off might hate each other not particularly due to anything any of them did but because the company seems to encourage it. Places like that fuck with your perceptions of people make you feel alone and surrounded by people that hate you Aka...
  15. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I really have to wonder if Kotoka considered them friends considering the majority of ninji seems to be composed of backstabbing reptoids. More pity for the autist who joined thinking she would make friends.
  16. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    No one is Surprised that shes blacklisted were surprised at how stupid they are willing to be about it especially after inviting her in the first place there are 1000 better ways they could of swept this under the rug but nah now everyone knows and offkai will reap the whirlwind for it. Not...
  17. CalciumAnimal

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    It's like someone really wanted to fuck that one Elsword character but knew Nexon would be the one bending them over. I'm hoping this one in particular implodes and is never seen again just to protect my eyes.
  18. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Think either you misread or I fucked up. I wasn't saying Rin was not I was saying that even if they found more talents like her why hire them when coomers are much easier to appeal to. Edit:and just to extra clarify and save me from having to reply. Yes i know this is stupid even short term...
  19. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    not even just "like rin" talent is hard to find but also why risk an amazing talent who finds only a small niche fanbase when concoomerism is so much more succsessful. It sucks but at least it makes sense the important bit to me is that it's all temporary Coomerism sells but it's not...
  20. CalciumAnimal

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    "investors" aka out of touch people with tons of money who expect every project they invest in to make them money all the time no exceptions. they see hololive and think "yeah i can do that" and are surprised when they cannot in fact do that. The one exception to this seems to be Idol whom...
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