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VT-Rainbow Disintegration Thread [Now the Marina Disintegration Thread]

Lurker Lurkerman

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Lurker Lurkerman

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Joined:  Apr 22, 2024
Hi. I am typing from my phone, sorry if so short on ideas.

Thank you for the support. The ex saw the thread and knows it is not you here.

I can’t tell more because she wants to keep a good relationship with Marina and doesn’t want to be targeted. She wants to be pleasant (I think obvious reasons) and also finds her life is better when they get along. She said something like she has let go of things as much as she can, even if she brings up issues still when they talk. She just wants to try find common ground and get along if possible. She even said she tries to find what is good in Marina so that she doesn’t feel the interactions are fake but can really be happy if they get along.

I understand why she needs to do this because she used to have a lot of money from her work but now has so much to handle with their kid that she is struggling.

We really worry for her. She doesn’t really use the chat group (emergencies) or mention Marina on her socials. She has private socials so she posts her life with the kid to stay connected to everyone she left behind when moving away. She only dated twice and doesn’t date at all, she can’t go out at all. She gives everything to the kid and is really lonely. Her only friends are her neighbors who are all old.

Now she has to move again for some reasons and we are so worried for her. She moves this week I think. Also, Marina always has her address but she never knows where Marina lives. Marina just keeps the address from dad’s house and stays with the girlfriend in Canada without any register.

I wish I could say so much more. I can’t. I respect that she doesn’t want to harm Marina and not be part of this at all. I wish I did something sooner but my future was tied to Marina at the time.

Part of me wants to see Marina exposed.
The other part doesn’t because the ex really still needs the money from Marina for her kid. She says it isn’t even half of rent but without it they can’t live until the medical services get better so she can work more again. The ex really wants her career back and worked so hard. She helped us when we needed and we have helped back now but it isn’t enough.

Before anyone asks, she can’t move back because the city is so expensive. She would only get a tiny apartment with maybe one bedroom for more money than she pays now. She used to have a big house and keeps getting smaller and smaller every move. But it is still better than if she went home. She can’t live with parents, one is dead and the other doesn’t have the means.

I will say that Marina pays almost nothing compared to what she pays and the money she lost for her career. Marina should have stayed living with dad to give a better life for the kid. But Marina wants to be with the very young girlfriend, live a normal life, have delivery food and I guess orgies from what I saw here.

Also, please don’t harm the gf. The ex did mention when they visited the only time that the gf seemed very young, traumatized? and forbidden to speak to her. The ex says that even if not allowed to speak to her, the gf was really nice to her kid. I think the gf is also a victim but I don’t know, I wasn’t there and don’t know what they do online.

Sorry it is kinda long and also nothing. I’m so worried for my words and don’t want to make problems. I don’t know if I’ll post again, each time the ex wants to be able to read to make sure it isn’t harming Marina or making life harder so I understand.

Thank you all for your help.


Joined:  Apr 22, 2024
Sorry. Also again. Marina does not have the kid. When they lived close and she gave Marina the car, Marina did not take the kid to doctor like agreed. Marina did not visit. After the move Marina visited one time which the ex was flustered about because the kid freaked out when seeing Marina and was afraid at first. She said it got better though and Marina was a good visit overall but she was surprised by the first contact moment.

I wish I could say more and worry I said too much. But I just want to make clear Marina does not have the kid. The ex doesn’t talk about this anymore, this is all kinda old info so if Marina is reading this please don’t think she is talking about you.
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